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Hittokiri Battousai's Roster for Brawl! ^^

Hitokiri Battousai

Smash Rookie
Jun 5, 2007
Lockbourne, Ohio
PLEASE READ: This is my personal opinion and I'm welcome to hear your comments, criticsims and thoughts but flaming is not necessary. This is a for discussing civally so please, be mature and respectful to everyone involved in this thread. Thank you.

~ Here Goes! ~

First off I'd like to say that the twelve original Smash characters will make a debut in Brawl. They did in Melee and I don't see why they wouldn't in the uncoming title. However, even though I know they will appear I personally wouldn't like Jigglypuff to be carried over. I've gotten back into the Smash series because of a friend (who knows quite a bit about the series - Smooth Criminal) and from what he's said of Sakurai's thoughts he wants to appeal to the world rather than Japan. So, considering that only Japan really likes the character on a scale compared to the world, I can see the possibility of Jigglypuff not returning. Aside, there is only room for one pink ball in Smash and that's Kirby! *Obvious a Kirby fan*

1. Captain Falcon
2. Donkey Kong
3. Fox McCloud
4. Jigglypuff
5. Kirby
6. Link
7. Luigi
8. Mario
9. Ness
10. Pikachu
11. Samus Aran
12. Yoshi

^ The Original Twelve ^

Now, these are who I believe will carry over from the Melee cast list.

13. Bowser
14. Falco Lombardi
15. Ganondorf
16. Marth
17. Mewtwo
18. Mr. Game & Watch
19. Pichu
20. Princess Peach
21. Princess Zelda/Shiek

I bet you're wandering why I didn't include the other Melee characters? I'll tell you why.

- Dr. Mario - Dr. Mario is from a classic game but I do think that in Brawl the series should incorporate more characters rather than variations of former characters. My alternative to Dr. Mario not being removed would him being a costume/color for Mario. I think that would be the better idea that everyone coudl agree on.

- Ice Climbers - I see how the series is beginning to dig into Nintendo's past for classic games but honestly to me Ice Climbers wasn't something that seemed notable to me or notable to any others. I can understand Pit's introduction because Kid Icarus was a silent classic but Ice Climbers wasn't memorable enough but I do have a character replacement for Ice Climbers for the sake of having a 'team' as a character. Read on to see what my proposition is.

- Roy - With Roy I have mixed feelings. Honestly, I like the character moreso than Marth BUT in consideration of being a more favored character, I think Marth will stay in and Roy is out but I do believe Roy will be replaced by another character. On a sidenote, its likely that both characters will be removed because they were only initially included to promote Fire Emblem at the time. Just because Marth is the favored of the two I'm sure they'll keep him. I learned that Roy is a clone of Marth anyways.

- Young Link - Finally, Young Link. I'm a huge Zelda fan and I enjoy him but I think instead of having Young Link he could be more aptly replaced with another version of Link. ;)

And to return to my list...

22. Meta Knight
23. Solid Snake
24. Pit
25. Wario
26. Zero Suit Samus

The five new characters revealed to be in Brawl. Obviously they'll make a debut.

27. Plusle & Minum
28. Deoxys

I personally think that the Pokemon trend will continue with the introduction of Plusle and Minum alongside Deoxys. Why? Well, I look at Pikachu and Pichu being introduced and I wondered if there was a trend because of it. Although the Pokemon are not related, I think the similarity is strong enough to have them introduced as a new 'Pikachu-ish' character. They would ultimately replace Ice Climbers in the state that they work together and are unique in that aspect - something I like about Ice Climbers and could carry over to Brawl in that fashion.

With Deoxys I think from Melee's Mewtwo, another 'Godly' Pokemon will be revealed. I'm not a Pokemon fan like I was when I was in elementary school (but I DO get urges to play the games from time to time...) but from what I've witnessed I think he has a chance. The Pokemon's size fits the game and the flavor works alongside Mewtwo AND the Pokemon trend. He is quite recognizable (he had amovie about him) from an outsiders view so he has my thumbs up.

29. Ike

I don't think I have much to say here. Ike is going to replace Roy. Why? Roy is unpopular compared to Marth and as Roy was intended to promote Fire Emblem games, Ike will promote Path of Radiance and the other game he stars in (I heard he's not the main character however). A good friend of mine is a Fire Emblem fan and he mentioned that Ike is a cool character so why not? I DO support 'swordie' characters! ^^

30. Windwaker Link

My replacement for Young Link. Why? I personally think that Young Link is too similar to Link in looks and that the cel shaded style of this character would offer the game a fresh breath. Besides, he'd be pretty much the same character but with a different yet amusing arsenal of weapons.

31. Takamaru

Takamaru is from the Famicon game 'Nazo no Murasame-jō', which is actually the sister game to 'The Legend of Zelda' as Pit from 'Kid Icarus' is the sister game to 'Metroid.' Why? If Pit is included then I think Takamaru has a good shot. Takamaru was on Sakurai's polls three times, meaning he's quite popular. I won't explain everything but my reasons are with those presented in this thread and the respective author. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=73419

32. Samurai Goroh

I think that all represented franchises in Smash should have more characters represented and F-Zero should get Samurai Goroh, Captain Falcon's rival. He has been in every F-Zero game save one and even in the Melee introduction movie he is seen racing against Capt'n so why not?

Samurai goodness! Takamaru and Goroh ftw!

33. Waluigi

Say, if Mario and Luigi are in Smash, what is Wario without Waluigi? (granted, Waluigi is a new character but Wario's sidekick) I think if Wario is in the game, Waluigi should come too! Like Chewbacca and Han Solo... Mashed potatos and gravy... Two peas in a pod... Honestly, considering that all GC and Wii titles (party games notably) featuring Wario had Waluigi, it only makes sense. I don't think Waluigi was in the Warioware series though... *Never played them*

Right now, I stand at a total of 33 characters I think will be in Brawl. However, knowing that Sakurai stated there wouldn't be more than 50 I'm going to be adding more characters to this list at a later date as I see fit. For now, tell me what you think but as said, be civil and mature please! ^^

~The Master List~

1. Captain Falcon
2. Donkey Kong
3. Fox McCloud
4. Jigglypuff
5. Kirby
6. Link
7. Luigi
8. Mario
9. Ness
10. Pikachu
11. Samus Aran
12. Yoshi
13. Bowser
14. Falco Lombardi
15. Ganondorf
16. Marth
17. Mewtwo
18. Mr. Game & Watch
19. Pichu
20. Princess Peach
21. Princess Zelda/Shiek
22. Meta Knight
23. Solid Snake
24. Pit
25. Wario
26. Zero Suit Samus
27. Plusle & Minum
28. Deoxys
29. Ike
30. Windwaker Link
31. Takamaru
32. Samurai Goroh
33. Waluigi


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Windsor, Connecticut
Im still up in the air when it comes to falco returning. As sweet as he may be, hes still a character clone of fox so why would they keep him, and lose a possible spot for another potential Star Fox universe character. If you keep Falco in, you might as well keep the other clones too (even if they arn't abused as much as falco is.)

Hitokiri Battousai

Smash Rookie
Jun 5, 2007
Lockbourne, Ohio
Why plusle and Minun? There are much better pokemon (Blaziken)
Think about it: in how I think Ice Climbers should be removed, they could replace them. It doesn't matter if Blaziken is better but I think the Pikachu/Pichu 'cuteness' trend and/or 'electric rodent' trend could easily be carried through with those Pokemon into Brawl.

whoa....u kept pichu AND added plusle and minun? sweet merciful crap
Yes, I'm merciful. They didn't get rid of Jigglypuff so I figured Pichu could stay as for the afore mentioned reason. ^

Im still up in the air when it comes to falco returning. As sweet as he may be, hes still a character clone of fox so why would they keep him, and lose a possible spot for another potential Star Fox universe character. If you keep Falco in, you might as well keep the other clones too (even if they arn't abused as much as falco is.)
How I personally think about clones is that some are okay but I personally think that ones like Ganondorf deserve their own movesets. C'mon, Ganondorf has a sword in his human forms in the games he debuted in as. He should be fighting with a sword and sorcery, not his fists! Anyways... I like Falco, he should stay, and in the least he should get his own unique moveset. As my friend says and I agree, clones in a small degree add to the game as an alternative to a style.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2007
That's very interesting Battousai.

If I had my roster it would not be by fan standards though. And follows what Nintendo says like no clones but when they say that i think they mean giving them their own attacks. Also there probably going to base their roster from what japan wants to see.

SMB:Mario/Luigi (S)/Peach/Bowser/Koopa Jr(S)/Geno or R.Mario(S)/Wario/Yoshi
SF:Fox/Falco(S)/Wolf(S)/Krystal, Leon or Panther(S)
DK:Donkey Kong/-New DK fighters are overdue me thinks.
Metroid:Samus:Zamus/somebody from Metroid Prime
Zelda:Link/Ganon or Pig Ganon (S)/Vaati or Skullkid
MGS: Solid Snake
Kid Icarus:pit
Fire emblem: Maybe won't bring em back

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Pichu is gone for sure. I don't agree Pulse and Minun being playable. That wouldn't ever happen. No way in hell will Waluigi get in if it took three games for Wario to get in. Ice Climbers will definately stay. Sakurai said he likes retro characters. He brought them back for a reason. He wouldn't let such a unique character get the cut. Also, I don't really agree with Ike being in Brawl just because hes so similar to Marth. Marth was in the original fire emblem and another one. I think Sigurd will be in since Sakurai was going to put him in Melee.

And I am sure there will be more than 33 characters.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Also, I don't really agree with Ike being in Brawl just because hes so similar to Marth. Marth was in the original fire emblem and another one. I think Sigurd will be in since Sakurai was going to put him in Melee.
That's somewhat hypocritical, seeing as Sigurd and Marth are far more similar to each other than Ike and Marth are. Not to mention Sigurd is Japan only, and Sakurai decided he's reluctent to add any Japan only characters.

Hitokiri Battousai

Smash Rookie
Jun 5, 2007
Lockbourne, Ohio
Also there probably going to base their roster from what japan wants to see.
I was under the impression that Sakurai wasn't just wanting to appeal to Japan but rather an international appeal?

Pichu is gone for sure. I don't agree Pulse and Minun being playable. That wouldn't ever happen. No way in hell will Waluigi get in if it took three games for Wario to get in. Ice Climbers will definately stay. Sakurai said he likes retro characters. He brought them back for a reason. He wouldn't let such a unique character get the cut. Also, I don't really agree with Ike being in Brawl just because hes so similar to Marth. Marth was in the original fire emblem and another one. I think Sigurd will be in since Sakurai was going to put him in Melee.

And I am sure there will be more than 33 characters.
Keep in mind Super Smash Master that just because a character is low tier doesn't mean its popular. Pokemon are HUGE in Japan so I could see Plusle and Minun easily being available. Also, I think Waluigi has a perfectly good chance to make then cut considering that Wario made it. However, I'll agree with Ice Climbers staying but then again, they could be removed to be replaced by more well known retro characters. Ex: Pit.

Not to mention Sigurd is Japan only, and Sakurai decided he's reluctent to add any Japan only characters.
A continuation of my 'appealing to the world' thought but that does hurt my chances of Takamaru appearing although this can be Nintendo's chance to promote the character and see a possible release for the Wii.


In consideration of Marion being the largest video game franchise known to man as well as being the best selling (followed by Pokemon) and most recognizable, I think the Smash series is going to going to be very similar to the Mario series in the terms of the characters. We're going to see characters in Smash that are in Mario game (Party, Tennis, Kart, etc.).


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Keep in mind Super Smash Master that just because a character is low tier doesn't mean its popular. Pokemon are HUGE in Japan so I could see Plusle and Minun easily being available. Also, I think Waluigi has a perfectly good chance to make then cut considering that Wario made it. However, I'll agree with Ice Climbers staying but then again, they could be removed to be replaced by more well known retro characters. Ex: Pit. Oh yes, if I believe Marth actually has never starred in an Fire Emblem game?
Yeah, Pokemon are huge. However, Pichu is a goner in favor of newer pokemon. That much is assured. And in the very, very, very hypotetical case Plusle and Minun were in (which I do not agree with, at all), they'd be already too similar. Three pikachu-types is just too much. So, choose one of those. And, in fact, I'm thinking Sakurai will go for the newer pokemon. Deoxys and Lucario seem to have a good chance, for example, so I do agree with you adding Deoxys. I'd say, however, we can expect around 5 pokemon slots. I'm not sure who'll fill the fifth.

And yes Marth has starred in a FE game. Remember that the first FE to make it out of Japan was like FE 7, minimum. In fact, from what I've heard Marth was one of the most important Lords in the series.

Some other disagreements:

-Waluigi: There are just so many more characters that deserve the spot more than him. Yeah, he could happen, put I'd expect he'd be more of an afterthought than anything.

-Sheik is almost assuredly gone. He/she/it/potato was there mostly due to OoT's wake, but now the Zelda of the moment is TP, so you can expect Zelda to be Twilight Princess style through and through, which means no Sheik. And Ganny will probably be styled like in TP too, for that matter (I'd prefer WW Ganon, but beggars can't be choosers).

-There are most likely going to be more characters. I mean, in less than 2 years of development we got from 12 to 26 characters. I'm thinking less that 35 characters is just unreasonably pessimistic, and if there is some cloning around we can conceibably get to 40 or even 45 chars, easily.

Really, I am sorry, but I can't get behind your roster. Too little novelty, too few interesting additions, and lacks some chars that are extremely likely due to the results of Sakurai's polls, such as Dedede, for example. Try adding some more chars, don't be afraid to overstep. Remember, 38-40 chars, easily, so try adding some more of your runner-ups and maybe we will agree a bit more then! ;)

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
That's somewhat hypocritical, seeing as Sigurd and Marth are far more similar to each other than Ike and Marth are. Not to mention Sigurd is Japan only, and Sakurai decided he's reluctent to add any Japan only characters.
Actually you are right. I was thinking of Sigurd as another character. I got him confused with this one axe wielder that was in another FE game. Ike, Marth and Sigurd are all blue haired sword wielders. Hmmm..makes you think.

-Sheik is almost assuredly gone. He/she/it/potato was there mostly due to OoT's wake, but now the Zelda of the moment is TP, so you can expect Zelda to be Twilight Princess style through and through, which means no Sheik. And Ganny will probably be styled like in TP too, for that matter (I'd prefer WW Ganon, but beggars can't be choosers).
I don't know why everyone thinks just because Sheik wasn't in the most recent game means that she is gone. Characters represent all appearences in their games, not just the most recent. Sure, Zelda could get revamped, and she probably will, but Sheik will most likely stay. I mean, will they take out Mario's cape, because he doesn't use it in Mario Galaxy? Peach is a perfect example on how characters represent ALL their appearances. She has turnips from SM2, Clubs, rackets, etc. from mario sports titles. I forget what else but there was more.

Hitokiri Battousai

Smash Rookie
Jun 5, 2007
Lockbourne, Ohio
Right now, I stand at a total of 33 characters I think will be in Brawl. However, knowing that Sakurai stated there wouldn't be more than 50 I'm going to be adding more characters to this list at a later date as I see fit. For now, tell me what you think but as said, be civil and mature please! ^^[/COLOR]
I'm quoting myself here, Drascin. As you can see, this list isn't complete - I thought to stir some controversy. I do have a few others I plan on adding more quite soon.

From what Super Smash Master says, I agree and that's how I feel for Shiek returning.

However, thanks for your input Drascin. I'll update my roster when I get home from work tonight. :p


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I'm quoting myself here, Drascin. As you can see, this list isn't complete - I thought to stir some controversy. I do have a few others I plan on adding more quite soon.

From what Super Smash Master says, I agree and that's how I feel for Shiek returning.

However, thanks for your input Drascin. I'll update my roster when I get home from work tonight. :p
Ooops. Didn't notice that one, sorry. I'll wait and see what else you add, then.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Oh god. at least you didn't cut shiek. first off, cut pichu if you are going to have P+M. second of all, don't bother with P+M, go for Lucario or Charizard. thrid of all, Waluigi?, doesn't mario have enough rep, and does waluigi even have his own game? fourth of all, why ww link? don't we already have a link? isn't 1 good enough? isn't that why doc is cut on your list? why not include paper mario while we are at it. and no ridley? no third party charcters?
no wtf or classic like a mii or Mach rider or balloon fighter? i understand that it is incomplete, but right now, i have to say, i might not buy brawl with this roster.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
If that were the roster I would be extremely disappointed.

Ice Climbers
Why take them out and replace with a Pichu clone duo, that's completely ********.

Deoxys, Waluigi, Pichu, WW Link, Plusle/Minum = Waste of Space and/or development time.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Things wrong with your list:
Having Plusle and Minun on it. Speaking as a Pokemon fan, the idea of P&M in Brawl disgusts me.
Also, nearly everyone wants Pichu out.
Nobody cares about Takamaru.
Waluigi has no redeeming characterisitcs or personality.
Even Paper Mario would be better than Waluigi.
Sheik made the game completely imbalanced, so let's just have TP Zelda.
Mewtwo and Deoxys is redundant, so Mewtwo should be removed.
Game&Watch won't be back. He was the surprise character, but he'll be replaced.
And if you didn't give Sheik a slot as a character, why did you give a slot to ZSS, when clearly she's a transformation.
Falco replaced by Wolf now.
Ice Climbers are <3. No removing my best character.
Diddy Kong, King Dedede, Bowser Jr., Captain Olimar, Krystal, Lucario, and Wolf Link/Midna are all missing. At least five of these are definitely going to be in Brawl. King Dedede is so obvious that anyone who doesn't have him on their list is summarily ridiculed.
I mean, who doesn't want to play as a giant hammer-wielding penguin?
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