Hello Smashboards users, my name is DaModder (known as DJSponge on Wikia and Kuriby on Miiverse) and I am here to introduce myself. I'm 13 (What's the average age range on this site?) and I am a pretty casual Smash player. I mained Kirby in 64 (I played on an emulator), the Ice Climbers in Brawl and now I main the Duck Hunt Duo on 3DS and Wii U. My alternate mains in SSB4 are Villager, Pac-Man, Mario, Kirby, and Jigglypuff. I don't really know what else to say about myself here but you can ask questions about me if you really care that much. 
Anyway, I'm ready to meet a lot of Smash players here. It's about time I did.

Anyway, I'm ready to meet a lot of Smash players here. It's about time I did.
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