Hi everyone, my name's Jamurai and I'm from the UK. I made an account to ask a couple of questions on here but saw this subforum so thought I'd introduce myself! I'm a Master's student in Biochemistry doing a research project on development of a vaccine for Chlamydia. I also play LoL and have done since early season 3, and I play ultimate frisbee with my uni, having started playing in October. My favourite game is Golden Sun (GBA).
My first Smash game was Brawl and it instantly became one of my favourite games, I mained MK from the beginning because I liked the character from my Kirby games, but it soon became clear to me that he was broken and I didn't really need to put effort in to beat my friends... So I pretty much stopped.
Over the years I've also become pretty good (I like to think anyway) at Falco, Toon Link and Sheik and I played those mainly. I played with my friend almost constantly for my second year at uni and we both improved a lot from each other, but he hasn't had much practice lately so I beat him most of the time whenever we play nowadays. From my constant playing with him I got used to a lot of different characters including G&W, DK, Ness, and Mario which I played to switch it up a bit.
I bought got Smash for 3DS for Christmas and have been playing it a lot. I played Sheik at first, as both Falco and Toon Link changed drastically (IMO) and I wasn't sure I wanted to throw off my Brawlness just yet. I still do occasionally but I'm having fun right now with a few characters. I'm happy to be able to main MK now that he is just as fun but less godlike and auto-win against other amateur players like myself. I'm also getting good with Mario, Fox and DK, and having fun with others including all the Miis, Little Mac, Bowser Jr., Samus and Villager. I'm saving for a Wii U and hope to get one by the end of this year so I can play with a GC controller.
Once I get a Wii U I'll be able to practice for real and possibly go for tournaments in the future because I'd love to improve and I know I'm not getting much better on FG. The UK scene seems to be growing and I'd love to contribute to it!
Hopefully see some of you in the future I guess!
Oh yeah I almost forgot, #Isaac4Smash #Megiddobaby
My first Smash game was Brawl and it instantly became one of my favourite games, I mained MK from the beginning because I liked the character from my Kirby games, but it soon became clear to me that he was broken and I didn't really need to put effort in to beat my friends... So I pretty much stopped.
I bought got Smash for 3DS for Christmas and have been playing it a lot. I played Sheik at first, as both Falco and Toon Link changed drastically (IMO) and I wasn't sure I wanted to throw off my Brawlness just yet. I still do occasionally but I'm having fun right now with a few characters. I'm happy to be able to main MK now that he is just as fun but less godlike and auto-win against other amateur players like myself. I'm also getting good with Mario, Fox and DK, and having fun with others including all the Miis, Little Mac, Bowser Jr., Samus and Villager. I'm saving for a Wii U and hope to get one by the end of this year so I can play with a GC controller.
Once I get a Wii U I'll be able to practice for real and possibly go for tournaments in the future because I'd love to improve and I know I'm not getting much better on FG. The UK scene seems to be growing and I'd love to contribute to it!
Oh yeah I almost forgot, #Isaac4Smash #Megiddobaby