Smash Rookie
I joined SmashBoards in January of 2015, but I hardly posted until now. So good, now a proper introduction for myself!
I'm SideSmash13. You can call me Fred. I'm a 13 year old gamer and I love nintendo. I'm a complete newcomer to the Smash series though - My first smash game was SSB for the Wii U & 3DS (I have both). Until then, I had never laid a finger on a Smash game before. I'm using the guide from a moderator post below. So, I am pretty bad at Smash. I don't know any of your Smash jargon/terminology, I don't know any techniques, combos, or many other things for that matter. All I know how to do is do the absolute basics. Move, Smash Attack, Special attack, recovery, shield, and grab. I don't know anything else. Most of the time I end up buttonmashing in a panic because I'm having my ass handed to me by a level 3 CPU. Some help or tutorials would be appreciated... Could any of you direct me to a thread for newcomers like me?
See ya!
I'm SideSmash13. You can call me Fred. I'm a 13 year old gamer and I love nintendo. I'm a complete newcomer to the Smash series though - My first smash game was SSB for the Wii U & 3DS (I have both). Until then, I had never laid a finger on a Smash game before. I'm using the guide from a moderator post below. So, I am pretty bad at Smash. I don't know any of your Smash jargon/terminology, I don't know any techniques, combos, or many other things for that matter. All I know how to do is do the absolute basics. Move, Smash Attack, Special attack, recovery, shield, and grab. I don't know anything else. Most of the time I end up buttonmashing in a panic because I'm having my ass handed to me by a level 3 CPU. Some help or tutorials would be appreciated... Could any of you direct me to a thread for newcomers like me?
- Who do you main in your Smash game(s) of choice? Why? I main Ness. I don't know why, I just like him. I've never tried any other character, so that's why I always pick Ness.
- Why have you joined Smashboards? How did you hear about the site? Because I'm a complete noob at Smash, someone on Miiverse told me to go here to get help.
- Do you attend tournaments? Do you want to? No, I don't attend tournaments. I do not want to, because I know for a FACT that I'll have my ass kicked in a few minutes.
- Talk about your interests outside of Smash Bros.! Anime, sports, other games, etc. I like Dragon Ball Z, I like to ski, I'm a PRO at Mario Kart 8 (challenge me bro), and I love anything that has to do with nintendo.
- What other communities are you a part of? Clubs at school, other forums? I have a MkBoards Account, RCGroups account, and I have a YouTube account.
See ya!