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Hi guys ^^


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2015
Hai there, I've been trying to post here for a good while now but couldn't (until a kind soul in reddit gave me a hand ;-; )

I've been trying to learn how to be decent at the game (winning 1 every 5 games in FG is kinda sad) so I decided to join. It's also funny because level 9 difficulty AI doesn't give me many troubles lol.

Looking foward to learn and have fun here ^^

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Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2015
Over Yonder
Hey Hey Hey Welcome to SmashBoards! Message me if you need a pal or something.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2015
Thanks guys ^^

Oh gonna copy paste my fav games from a post I did in another site, just cause.

"Well, I kinda should do a list per console, cause I've played a lot of games. In the NES, I'd pick Mario 3 and Adventure Island 3 all day. SNES... well I didn't play many, but Megaman X was (and is, I still love it till 6, after it the saga sucked) great. Sega sucked but in my childhood I spammed the Aladdin and Tiny Toons games lol.

PS1 was the console I most played I think, it just brings me back to my childhood. Any Crash game (CTR is the best racing game ever :arf), Rayman 2, Tenchu 2, Medievil (both), Tomba! (both) Sheep Raider (best puzzle game evaaaaar), Bloody Roar (yay, old fighting games D: ) and a huge etc... oh and MGS is the best game ever created, period. In the 64 I really liked Majora's (duh), and Conker's bad fur day, those are prolly the only 2 games that I'd play till the end in that console without getting bored at all (oh, and Paper Mario, but I never finished it... ). <recap, went back to Mario 64 some weeks ago... it's a marvelous game, even though as a kid it dissapointed me>

GameCube... I didn't like many games to be honest, but I loved Luigi's Mansion. PS2... The list is so huge. MGS3 made me start playing the best saga in games ever (I don't care about anything else, MGS owns everything -I didn't erally like 2 though-), I played many, many hours of PES and THPS (in both ps1 and 2), San Andreas was amazing, God Hand is so bizarre and different that I love it with all my heart, GoW was cool but nothing too memorable, not like DmC 3. I still gotta try Silent Hill (any of them).

AND PHOENIX WRIGHT (omg I love those games, so freaking much...).

TL DR, my fav games would be challenging adventure games with some bizarre things, and some puzzles that makes you actually think for some minutes.

I'm also in love with Fallout: New Vegas. Also, Rayman Legends gave me the best 2D platforming I've played in years.

Currently playing MK8, SM4SH, SM3DW with my gf o/
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