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Hi friendos


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2015
Where the sidewalk ends
I'm JellyDino, I just recently got into playing smash even remotely competitively after entering a local tournament and reaching 2nd place with Jigglypuff and Mewtwo. I decided to come to a boards made to discuss the game so I can hopefully get better! I'm not really in it for the glory of winning constantly, I just want to be able to have fun and still be a challenge when fighting others. When im not playing smash, im either typing up papers for college, playing Co-op games on PC or just DotA. But I try to squeeze in as much Jiggly and Mewtwo practice that I can do!

I mostly use Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Yoshi and Peach, but I recently dropped Yoshi because I seem to get a lot of flak for using him. I hope I get to know all of you and make a lot of friends while im here!

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Welcome to Smashboards !

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If you need any assistance I'll be glad to help, just message me !

EDIT: Made by @KMZ || WolfieXVII, @ Trieste SP Trieste SP and @Cyndane
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