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Helpful tip with Shuttle Loop (Up B Cancel)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
As any good MK player knows his UP B is a strong kill move and is best used to kill horizontally.

If you are having consistency issues using his Up B off stage and doing the turnaround version to return safely, take this tip into account.

If you press the B button after the loop of animation is done you will cancel out the rest of the animation which includes the Glide, your forward momentum, and the ability to glide attack.

(easier if you spam B and hold left on directional stick after you have used Up B to ensure it goes off)

This is helpful for edging slightly off level or hovering at a distance just outside of SD risk.

You can, on reaction, see if you have done a proper turn around up B. If not, this allows you a slightly larger breathing room to fall backwards and grab the ledge if it was done incorrectly.

Can be done anywhere. Doesn't reduce his falling animation lag (same off all his B moves). But if you want to stay in place or avoid something on the ground or move as much as you can in a reverse direction. This is your best bet. You will notice the momentum backwards and time it takes to get into falling animation is shorter than not canceling and simply holding left after Up B to end the move.

Try it out. Let me know what you think.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
I only have one comment to add and it's that Shuttle Loop isn't always best for horizontal kills.

When using it from the ground it has a fairly good powered vertical knockback that I enjoy using at higher percentages.

This kills lighter characters much more easily and eliminates the hassle of an air-fight with another potential floater(always annoying)

That comment added aside, this has been known for quite some time and is indeed useful, though it leaves you defenseless and with some landing lag.

Mike B

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
I love using it to punish edgeguarders, but I almost always die using it on stage returners. This was really helpful :p
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