Hey there!
So I want to change the first Page of the SSS to only consist of 10 Stages ordered in a 2x5 Grid (5 Starters + 5 CP just like it is done in the Tourney Pack http://www.reddit.com/r/SSBPM/comments/2e9i51/tkbreezy_presents_tourney_pack_v1_featuring/ ), however I can't just delete Stages until I'm down to 10 Stages, since the Grid breaks at some point and the 10 Stages float around the SSS in no particular order. Is there some way to only have 10 Stages on Page 1 while still being ordered?
Do I need any other programm other than SSSeditor or can I do it with only SSSeditor? How did TKBreezy et al. do it?
So I want to change the first Page of the SSS to only consist of 10 Stages ordered in a 2x5 Grid (5 Starters + 5 CP just like it is done in the Tourney Pack http://www.reddit.com/r/SSBPM/comments/2e9i51/tkbreezy_presents_tourney_pack_v1_featuring/ ), however I can't just delete Stages until I'm down to 10 Stages, since the Grid breaks at some point and the 10 Stages float around the SSS in no particular order. Is there some way to only have 10 Stages on Page 1 while still being ordered?
Do I need any other programm other than SSSeditor or can I do it with only SSSeditor? How did TKBreezy et al. do it?