Smash Journeyman
So, about a week ago, my SD card broke. That sucks, because I had over 300 pictures on that. Anyway, I recently bought a San Disk SDHC 4GB card. Yesterday, I put it in my Wii, and placed some VC games on it. They work just fine. But Brawl refuses to recognize the card. It says "The devise inserted in the SD card slot cannot be used." The card is pretty new, and my Wii can still read VC games on it, and my computer reads it just fine, and it's pretty empty, so does anyone have any idea why Brawl doesn't like it?
I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to ask. Please move or close this topic if needed.
I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to ask. Please move or close this topic if needed.