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Help with Jiggly


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
South Carolina
Does anyone have hints for fighting jigglypuff? B/c i always get screwed with the double bair and when i try to gimp them or dair them their fair gimps me instead. Can anyone post some help?


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Really its just all about spacing. Bair is going to be the easiest to achieve this with as I don't think jiggly has an aerial with as much range or priority. Also jiggly can't kill as well in the air as kirby.
On the ground again you generally outrange her and outprioritize. This is a pretty easy matchup if you just space, and if I remember right a lot of her attacks get beaten by inhale. Most important one to remember is rollout goes right into kirby's mouth lols.

Really easy fight just keep your spacing and get out of combos.. lol you can even get out of a combo like right near the wall and just bair for a kill. But if you have problems in the air then you can just use kirby's ground game as it is far better than jigglys ground game.
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