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Help with Characters?


Ultimate Momma :v
Jan 10, 2015
So, first off: I'm new to the forums, as you guys can see. So, if I created this thread in the wrong place, please do move it/merge with an existing thread.
Anyway, off with my problem: Tomorrow I'll be going to a friend's home to play SSB4, see if the game is nice to decide weither I should buy a Wii U right now or wait a bit for that. (Until there's more games I want released)
Thing is: Last ssb game I played was melee, and I see that there are tons of new characters that I know nothing about around, and before trying the game, I wanted to have a character list of sorts. I tried looking into them, but there's just too many for me, and I really don't have much time xD
So, I'd like you guy's opinion on that matter: Which characters should I try out first? Mind you I looking for something to main after I buy the game. In Melee I liked to play as Ness (even if he was kinda difficult to play with) cause magic (I'm such a sucker for magic users) ;p Learning curve doesn't matter for me, if the character is fun enough I'll master (tho it's a bonus if I can trash my friend's a** tomorrow ;p) and I prefer to play more defensively (camping ftw).
Unique movesets are good too.

And as a more offtopic question, how is Ness doing in this game? I'm thinking of at least using him as my secondary.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2014
I'm not entirely sure myself...
First, welcome to Smashboards!
Second, every character has received major nerfs since Brawl/Melee, so you can't pull off epic combos and such until you are very familiar with the game.
Third, if you like camping, :4duckhunt: (Duck Hunt) is a very campy character and also just fun to play as in general.
Fourth, if you like magic, :4robinf:/:4robinm: (Robin) uses lots of magic, but (s)he is hard to master since his/her special moves have a limited number of uses (if you want to learn about Robin, go to "Guides" and look for LiquidFGC's guide to Robin)
Fifth, :4ness: is pretty good in this game.
Finally, if you want to learn the ins and outs of this site, head to "Forums"->"Welcome Center/Meet & Greet". You can make a thread introducing yourself as well as look at tutorials of how to use this site.
Enjoy Smashboards!


Ultimate Momma :v
Jan 10, 2015
First, welcome to Smashboards!
Second, every character has received major nerfs since Brawl/Melee, so you can't pull off epic combos and such until you are very familiar with the game.
Third, if you like camping, :4duckhunt: (Duck Hunt) is a very campy character and also just fun to play as in general.
Fourth, if you like magic, :4robinf:/:4robinm: (Robin) uses lots of magic, but (s)he is hard to master since his/her special moves have a limited number of uses (if you want to learn about Robin, go to "Guides" and look for LiquidFGC's guide to Robin)
Fifth, :4ness: is pretty good in this game.
Finally, if you want to learn the ins and outs of this site, head to "Forums"->"Welcome Center/Meet & Greet". You can make a thread introducing yourself as well as look at tutorials of how to use this site.
Enjoy Smashboards!
Firstly, thank you sooo much xD
As you said, Ness is pretty good in ssb this time around <3 I'm proud.:4ness:
The nerfs didn't bother me at all, but it might be because it's been a long time since I last played melee anyway...
Unfortunately, I couldn't test Duck Hunt, cause my lazy friend didn't unlock him yet, but I tested other characters while I was there (Link, Mega man, Pit, Palutena and Rosalina)
However, I just fell in love with Robin <3 He was pretty difficult to get the hang of, but it paid off when I KO'ed my friend with "A book to the face"(as he aptly put it). His reaction was just priceless <3
I dunno, he may be a difficult character to play with, but it's sooo fun I don't even care. Was he some kind of strategist ih his game? xD That's the feeling I got.:4robinm: Also, he's such an eye-candy <3 (ye, I saw there's a female version for some odd reason, but I'll stick with the male)
Anyway, really looking forward to buying the game and get around working with Robin <3

Thanks for the forum tips! Will do!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2014
I'm not entirely sure myself...
Firstly, thank you sooo much xD
As you said, Ness is pretty good in ssb this time around <3 I'm proud.:4ness:
The nerfs didn't bother me at all, but it might be because it's been a long time since I last played melee anyway...
Unfortunately, I couldn't test Duck Hunt, cause my lazy friend didn't unlock him yet, but I tested other characters while I was there (Link, Mega man, Pit, Palutena and Rosalina)
However, I just fell in love with Robin <3 He was pretty difficult to get the hang of, but it paid off when I KO'ed my friend with "A book to the face"(as he aptly put it). His reaction was just priceless <3
I dunno, he may be a difficult character to play with, but it's sooo fun I don't even care. Was he some kind of strategist ih his game? xD That's the feeling I got.:4robinm: Also, he's such an eye-candy <3 (ye, I saw there's a female version for some odd reason, but I'll stick with the male)
Anyway, really looking forward to buying the game and get around working with Robin <3

Thanks for the forum tips! Will do!
Robin (as you probably noticed) is from the Fire Emblem series, and yes, he is the tactician in the game.
It starts out with you choosing between a male and female tactician (Robin is the default name, you can change it) and customizing everything from hair color to voice to assets and flaws.
Long story short is that Fire Emblem: Awakening is a very fun game that I have spent 500+ hours playing. And counting. Not even joking. If you have a 3DS I highly recommend it.
PS :4zss: Also eye candy :awesome:


Ultimate Momma :v
Jan 10, 2015
Robin (as you probably noticed) is from the Fire Emblem series, and yes, he is the tactician in the game.
It starts out with you choosing between a male and female tactician (Robin is the default name, you can change it) and customizing everything from hair color to voice to assets and flaws.
Long story short is that Fire Emblem: Awakening is a very fun game that I have spent 500+ hours playing. And counting. Not even joking. If you have a 3DS I highly recommend it.
PS :4zss: Also eye candy :awesome:
...ye, well...I just searched it now (needed to get more info on Robin) and...wow xD
That's embarassing, but I thought Fire Emblem was some kind of obscure hack'n'slash game full of look alike blue haired sword people :nervous: *hides in cave to avoid rage*
I have no idea how I let this series just pass over me, it looks amazing. (big fan of Final Fantasy Tactics and Devil Survivor here)
I'm definitely going to buy this game now.
A-anyway xD if any mod wants to close this thread now before the rage of fire emblem fans comes
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