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Help Vs ROB =/


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
Arizona 3-4 Stock Matches, No Items, Must
My kirby has ben havig some serious trouble with ROB, His long range makes it hard to get close not to mention the ROB ive faced uses Dsmash Obsessively and I cant find a way around it since he can spam it over and over again. Ive watch the T!mmy Vs T0mmy fights but he doesnt fight with rob the same way. Its humiliating. does anyone have any advice on how to just squeeze my way in there and own him?


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
i out camp him. use his beam against him. if he decides to charge a top do beam or up-b. thats what i do


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2007
South Florida
what you should do when he uses d smash constantly is counter it with a quick final cutter.

charge at him like your going to do a running A attack.instead jump back quickly and if he does the dsmash,it gives you an oppurtunity to hit him with a quick final cutter.which can set up a combo.

if he shoots the beam just duck down.your small enough for it to go right over you.just dont do it to often or he will catch on.

and if he wants to continually use dsmash,jump in the air and dair him and pull off a quick down tilt or a fsmash.

so just keep in mind to use final cutter or the dair when he spams downsmash.

once you get the hang of fighting him,you will be able to play more aggrsively and he will not be able to use his range against you as you will be constantly in his face.just dont fall victim to that dsmash.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
He'll eventually know to guard Final cutter when you're up-close and that'll give him a free grab or possible smash. You're gonna have to play unpredictably to win ><. I'm sure after a certain percent (maybe 50 or 60% or less) you can combine your forward grab with your regular forward air while jumping (basically forward grab, while doing your aerial jump triple kick) and you may be able to connect 6 hits possibly since it has worked when I played Ike. Also cancel you're dash by shielding and then grabbing instead of running while hitting Z cause that leaves you open and Kirby's grab doesn't have the best priority. You can really only stay above or in front of Rob since his forward air isn't the best and drill kick spike him twice if you can. If he does his down smash, guard the ENTIRE TIME and hope you don't get hit in the middle of the move.
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