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Help vs Dedede, Peach, Snake, and or Luigi


Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2008
Skip to the bottom for the smaller version if you dont wanna read the probably pointless paragraph below, but i felt like typing a lot right now.

Ive been maining Diddy Kong for a bit now, nothing great enough for tournaments or anything. But out of my friends, which are trying to become better for tournaments, im usually the first or second one dead. I really dont know any Diddy advanced tech or mind games. So, any help with that would help. But anyways, one of my friends plays Dedede Peach, and snake. I cant even touch Peach, so hes usually up by a life or more at the end of 4 stocks. I cant kill his Snake, because once i get to like 90+ he just up tilts and it kills me instantly, cant avoid that, and i can hardly even kill him because hes so heavy, and his chopper keeps me from spiking him. Then his dedede, which is who is going to tournament as, is the one that he uses against me almost every 1v1. He just chain grabs me til him at like 40+ and then its easy from there on out. I cant get close to him because of his range. And when i do, it never is enough to kill him, even at like 100+.. Probably need to use his forward and down smash less for damage and more for killing, since those are his main kill moves. But anyways, its usually equal between those two, but i usually end up losing our last life. And my other friend is Luigi, havent played against him in a while but from what i remember, he never dies. He can DI like everything so it makes killing him really hard and hes got that tornado recovery, and hes just an all out better player.

So any general tips/combos/ or advanced Tech about diddy kong
or tips against Dedede, Peach, snake, and or luigi Or any other popular tournament characters would be greatly appreciated.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Fountain Valley
Haha peach or luigi aernt good considered tournament characters.
If you lose out of all your friends. You gotta improve your game ALOT.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Skip to the bottom for the smaller version if you dont wanna read the probably pointless paragraph below, but i felt like typing a lot right now.

Ive been maining Diddy Kong for a bit now, nothing great enough for tournaments or anything. But out of my friends, which are trying to become better for tournaments, im usually the first or second one dead. I really dont know any Diddy advanced tech or mind games. So, any help with that would help. But anyways, one of my friends plays Dedede Peach, and snake. I cant even touch Peach, so hes usually up by a life or more at the end of 4 stocks. I cant kill his Snake, because once i get to like 90+ he just up tilts and it kills me instantly, cant avoid that, and i can hardly even kill him because hes so heavy, and his chopper keeps me from spiking him. Then his dedede, which is who is going to tournament as, is the one that he uses against me almost every 1v1. He just chain grabs me til him at like 40+ and then its easy from there on out. I cant get close to him because of his range. And when i do, it never is enough to kill him, even at like 100+.. Probably need to use his forward and down smash less for damage and more for killing, since those are his main kill moves. But anyways, its usually equal between those two, but i usually end up losing our last life. And my other friend is Luigi, havent played against him in a while but from what i remember, he never dies. He can DI like everything so it makes killing him really hard and hes got that tornado recovery, and hes just an all out better player.

So any general tips/combos/ or advanced Tech about diddy kong
or tips against Dedede, Peach, snake, and or luigi Or any other popular tournament characters would be greatly appreciated.

If your opponents aren't tournament ready then just take out bananas and throw them. It's that easy against people that hardly know the game.


Smash Cadet
Oct 31, 2006
Deerfield IL

I have a tough time with Snake also. But I would say if Snake tries to use the Motor Drive, then use the peanut gun to stop him dead in its tracks. Diddy's aerials will not work to well if Snake is on the ground because he can use his Up Smash to launch the rocket launcher or simply shield grab you. Also he has those powerful Up tillts that just kills you when your unprepared. Basically for Snake, try avoiding being in the air as much as possible.

King DeDeDe-

King DeDeDe is annoying as crap. He throws those annoying Waddle Dees and Doos that protect dedede from incoming banana peels. If you simply throw them while in the air, that can distract DeDeDe and most DeDeDes are campers so just toy around with him until he gets out of his shell. I would try to mind game him by throwing a banana peel at him and when he puts up his shield, grab him and combo him from there. He's really to spike and Diddy Humped since he's so big so try use your opportunity to kill him when you can.

As for Luigi and Peach. I dont have much to say on either of them since i never played against anyone who knows how to play with them professionally.

Hope that helps


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Towson MD/Moscow ID
Don't listen to darkelement, if he doesn't think those characters are a threat in tournament play, you probably don't want to listen to his advice. I played against a brutal peach player, and myself play Luigi very well (still got ***** by MK at my first real tourny though...) Either way, advice I could give you against Luigi, considering I played against a good Diddy player, would have to start with trying to keep Luigi on the ground. Put up nanners just to space him and keep the standard short hop air combos at bay, and it seems effective to use his tilts a bunch... At least thats what I saw the diddy player doing, but again, I don't main him, so thats all I got :D


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
save your f-smash until its time to kill.

and be patient.

Dedede requires unnatural amounts of patience. Don't try to approach dedede, you can't out space him, wait him to make mistake and cartwheel him.

also throw bananas all over the place.

it would help if you had a video so we could pinpoint your exact problem


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2008
i usually edgeguard with forward airs for snake, then i use monkey flip to get back on, and when hes close enough not the use his up-b then i use the spike also if he mordor slides i either throw a banana or monkey flip kick, which can usually get him
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