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Help me observe competitive Brawl in a scholarly manner


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I've got an essay to write for college, but I also feel this could lead to some interesting discussion. I was charged to "pick a practice, an event that fascinates you" and observe it. I need to know what other people have to say on the subject of competitive brawl, or more specifically tournaments. So far I've noticed that the closest I'll ever get to a scholarly article is some "Video games makes our kids more violent" spiel. It's difficult to understand a community like this unless you're on the inside, so I figure Smashboards is the best place to go.

I need your reflections you have on tournaments, the game, or the community as a whole. I know there's quite a few intelligent, articulated people here. What would you say if you were going to be quoted talking about brawl for a rigorous anthropological study? I'd be greatly obliged if I could get some answers to some of the questions listed here, or if you could give me anything else you feel like saying.

-What type of people go to tournaments? Why do you go? Why do you play this game in particular?

-What kind of misconceptions do you think the public has about the smash community/competitive gaming in general? Is there anything you'd like to set straight?

-What preoccupations does the community have? What makes the community tick? What are it's problems/worries? What are its passions and interests?

-What sort of rules are there (spoken or unspoken)? Why do these rules exist?

-What separates tournament-going players from more casual non-competitive players?

Again, anything else you'd like to say is also welcome.

If you do not wish to be quoted, please indicate it in your post. Also, if anyone knows of any academic studies that are relevant to competitive gaming or brawl, or knows of previous insightful posts made elsewhere on the forums, links would be very much appreciated.
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