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Help, me and my friend traumatized by 2v2 encounter

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Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
Ok guys, I don't know to put this in words, it happened three weeks ago but I still think about it all the time, it never leave my mind. Plz bear with me through this story. My friend has been in a cataconic state ever since and his parents are blaming me thinking we got into some drugs or ****. We would never do any such stupid things, we just wanted to brawl. It happend three weeks ago when we were going to do some 2v2 MM vs two guys who were twins, we hadnt met them before but they say they were pretty good so me and my pal were really looking forward to some great matches....

This is what happen: We take the buss into central stockholm and look on a map and finally fidn their apartment. We ring the doorbell and two guys who look identical open the door, they are both wearing batman tshirts with the batcar and batman on them and they have the same john lennonish glasses on. I say: '''wow u guys really do look the same'' They don't smile or say hello or anything. The silence is awkward, and i look around a bit and see the apartment is pretty small and the walls are all white and covered with classical paintings and i think they had some music on (i think it was beethowen or something, sound pretty cool at the time). After like five seconds it feel like forever, they say to us ''Come on in and sit down and lets brawl'' So we go in and sit in their couch next to them, they smell a bit funny, like they have womens perfume on and have just been smoking. Anyway we select characters, and this is were it starts going wrong. My brother and I have been working on our Lucario+Marth team a lot so we think we got a pretty good chance at beating theese weirdoes so we select our chars, then the two twins both pick Jigglypuff. I look at my friend with an eyebrow raised and he looks just as confusd, first match is on SV.

In the beginning they both jump around a bit in the air, i start charginy my energy ball and then all hell breaks loose: Suddenly they both attack my friend, it happened so fast I had no time to react, two jigglypuff are on him with their bairs and **** just comboing the **** out of him i swear in three seconds he was at 130%, i try to stop this and my friend is just mashing airdodge and counter and upb and **** to try and stop them but their is no chance, my friend is koed by a fair before i even reach them. Once my brother is gone they turn on me mercilessly like mad starving rabies dogs they tear at my lucario and before I even know wtf happened I am ko'ed off the top of the stage by an upair.

My pulse by this moment has skyrocketed and im feeling seriously scared, this was just wrong, this isnt happening, I am not here, this must be a dream.

In any case my friend still has invisibility frames left when i come back from the death, both puffs are at 0% but we figure maybe they just got crazy lucky and we can take this back. I was so wrong... Thinking back we shouldve just taken our controllers left the money and run, hell I'd pay a hundred times the bet just to not have that terrifying experience happen to me.

What happens is we are immideiately again hit by aerials, they soon start to juggle both me and my friend between each other simultaneously hitting us back and forth between them, sometimes letting us collide into each other before we fall into their relentless aerial assault again. While they do this they gradually ascend and move higher up until they finally finish us both at the same with an upair each.

By this time I am shaking and seriously upset, so upset that I cant recall what happened through the rest of the set, but needless to say we lost, gave them the money then stumbled out of there, wondering what the **** just happened both of us shaking like crazy with terror. We don't say anything on our way home, just bye after we leave the buss then go home to each other. When I'm home I feel completely exhausted so I go to sleep early. That's when the nightmares come, in my dreams I am surrounded by theese two jigglypuffs like a lone atom core surrounded by two menacing electrons moving at the speed of lights. I remember the apartment and dream I am sitting in it again, alone in the couch with the two identical twins, the ****ing bethoowen music is playing on maximum volume when the whole place starts shrinking. The walls close in on me and the two twins giggle frantically next to me, eventually their bodies and faces are pressed against mine as the room completely closes in over us. I hear them whispering in my ears, i can feel the warmth of their saliva against my earlobes. They whisper ''We have taken your friend, he is with us now'' and then they start biting me like they want to eat me. ''Stop!!!'' I try to scream but theres no space for me to move and no air for me to breather so no sound comes out. Then I wake up, i dont even try to sleep anymore that night.

The next day I hear nothing from my friend, but the day after that his parents call and they are very upset: ''Vincent is apathic, he is in a cataconic state and will not leave his bed''

Apparently my friend Vincent hasnt move during the entire day before. I try to put into words to them the terrifying experience we had but they get mad at me and start yelling about drugs and trauma, after a while I can't take it so I hang up. The next day the police come and bring me in for questioning, they tell me my friend has been moved to a hospital ward and that I'd better tell them what happened and what we took. They will find out anyway from urine samples they say. Once again I try to explain what the hell happened, once again no one believes me. Finally the police say ''Ok take us to the apartment where the twins lived then so that we can ask them''.

I hesitate, not even in the company of two policemen do I ever want to go ****ing near that place again. However i realise my options are limited so I agree to take them there. And this part is really ****ing sick. When we arrive at the street, the apartment isn't there anymore, gone, vanished. The police must've thought I was insane.

I had to spend the night in custody, but the next day I was released, they havent charged me with anything since but my friend is still apathic. Ive been going to school, but its like I cant concentrate on anything, my mind is allmost completely blank, and I keep having nightmares.

I am sorry if this was too long but I just had to get it off my chest, maybe some of you have had a similar experience? I cant imagine that possible, but perhaps you can help me understand just a little bit, what happened in that apartment?


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
Mmm, interesting to say the least, but a good read.
I really think this would be better suited for User Blogs though, seeing as it doesn't deal with Brawl all that much. Sorry man.
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