Smash Apprentice
Hello to anyone reading this. Been staying up late haxzings my wii and been doing ok.
my folders look like this
Private/Wii/APP/RSBE/PF/fighter/(all fighter names)/00.pac
/ Item
/stage/Melee/(stage skin)
/menu/Strap(does anything else go in here besides strap?)
/menu2/(character select skin, anything else go in here?)
/system/ (supposedly i put the smashball skin here)
ive been usin this page to help extensions
is this right ? i want to edit the smashball and the pac name they gave it on the page was 046.pac but what is the name ? on other link it says common03.pac. is it supposed to be the item name? if so what is the correct full pac name for the smash ball. any help will be greatly appreciated.
btw if you guys have any other site with full tutorials and pac names and folder extension that would be great too becouse im tired of tutorials that give no info those subjects : /
my folders look like this
Private/Wii/APP/RSBE/PF/fighter/(all fighter names)/00.pac
/ Item
/stage/Melee/(stage skin)
/menu/Strap(does anything else go in here besides strap?)
/menu2/(character select skin, anything else go in here?)
/system/ (supposedly i put the smashball skin here)
ive been usin this page to help extensions
is this right ? i want to edit the smashball and the pac name they gave it on the page was 046.pac but what is the name ? on other link it says common03.pac. is it supposed to be the item name? if so what is the correct full pac name for the smash ball. any help will be greatly appreciated.
btw if you guys have any other site with full tutorials and pac names and folder extension that would be great too becouse im tired of tutorials that give no info those subjects : /