Are you going to pay the bills? I'm currently paying modulous myself, do you really expect a 15 year old to have stable-enough income to pay the bills and server-costs?
You're listed as 25. Reason would believe you'd be working or have some source of stable income, not to mention being able to handle criticisms over the internet. I can't pull my punches after the fact.
Modulous ads are not a problem, literally the only ad you will ever see is in the footer of the page, non-intrusive, actually, you rarely even see it unless the pag is small enough to include the footer, you will never see sound-based ads, or popups, please don't act like i'm an evil person just for doing that.
This is more so a nitpick tied in with the age thing. I'm inclined to turn off adblock for sites and admins I care about, not ones who I believe to hold a position of maintaining their domain and server, not to mention one whom opened up the site with ads after a little over a month.
I removed the minimum quality rule so bad quality content can exist, while I don't agree it's what the community wanted, I understand why they don't wanted it, so I did remove it.
We may be in an age of high quality now, but brawl hacking started out as ****. Your site will draw in newcomers and at best, they won't know how to make anything more than a texture. Nobody wants to see "fan character the hedgchidnafox" but their mods have to start out somewhere.
Please stop spreading false information,
I'm making criticisms, not spreading misinformation. Saying the interface is bad, that it has no substance, or comes off as pretentious is an opinion, not absolute fact. But fine, I'll ease up.
I don't hate KC-MM, in fact I created modulous solely because I wanted people to have an alternative, KC-MM has done way more than Modulous will probably ever do.
I do not like the fact that kc-mm has issues, it's not about kc-mm, it's about it's issues.
Then please make it sound as such. The first impression I've gathered from your reddit debut posts as well as the screenshot I snapped above say to me "brawlvault is pretty outdated and hard to navigate, so I built this newer and still incomplete, thus harder to navigate, website as a replacement."
Newer faces in the hacking community will only ever see it as some buggy mess with server issues as they weren't around for all the **** that happened over the years including the hackdowns and ddos attacks, of which kcmm has never truly recovered from.