Looking for some advice - kinda beating my head against the wall with this one.
Right now literally every time I connect to a Wii U online game the game will boot me out (after significant loading time) back to the Smash 4 home screen with the "communication error" prompt.
I've seen various comments / suggestions - but nothing seems concrete - as with a lot of nintendo things - there doesn't seem to be any hard and fast solutions out there to be seen. I am hoping someone a lot smarter than me can help out here.
Amongst the suggestions/comments I've seen scattered are (and I've tried these except one - more on that in a second) - Smash Internet Settings (reply data etc) - Router (more on this in a second) wired vs wifi (I have both accessible - same issue on both).
So I managed to fix it - I had my Smash 4 files on the USB drive - I just cleared the space on the Wii U and transferred them back to the Wii U drive - fixed the issue. Not sure what prompted the Wii U to start having issues with the USB drive but for the time being its fixed it.
Right now literally every time I connect to a Wii U online game the game will boot me out (after significant loading time) back to the Smash 4 home screen with the "communication error" prompt.
I've seen various comments / suggestions - but nothing seems concrete - as with a lot of nintendo things - there doesn't seem to be any hard and fast solutions out there to be seen. I am hoping someone a lot smarter than me can help out here.
Amongst the suggestions/comments I've seen scattered are (and I've tried these except one - more on that in a second) - Smash Internet Settings (reply data etc) - Router (more on this in a second) wired vs wifi (I have both accessible - same issue on both).
So I managed to fix it - I had my Smash 4 files on the USB drive - I just cleared the space on the Wii U and transferred them back to the Wii U drive - fixed the issue. Not sure what prompted the Wii U to start having issues with the USB drive but for the time being its fixed it.
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