I've been trying to figure out how to add the goku mod for the longest time and I've followed moding video very closely but nothing happens when I do. The goku mod goes over pit. I took all the files and replaced them in my flash drive. Then I used brawl costume editor, made sure to enable 3.5 mapping, and added the csp's to the model. I also tried this with both 3.6 and 3.5. When I put the flash drive back into my wii and start up project m through homebrew, it remains exactly the same from before I did anything. Pit still has all the same costumes and moves. An odd thing that I noticed is that after switching my files to 3.5 and also changing the files to goku, I fire it up and in the corner it still says 3.6 beta. It's as if my wii wont accept change after using 3.6 and Im really confused.