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Help a fledling ZSS out with advanced techniqes?


Smash Rookie
Apr 21, 2008
ok well i usualy play with a freind everyday and i train with Zamus in that time the problem? other then using DownB to gimp him on edge grab i have no idea of any advanced techniqes.

he uses Kirby Sheik/Zelda(hes an a$$hole with them) mostly if not its usualy the characters most similar to them(not counting the space animals) ANY help would be realy apresiated cuz i wanna wipe that smug grin from his face and make him sweat :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2008
Ohio [Midwest] FC: 5155-2680-1241
Uhmm. DownB gimp isn't considered an advanced technique.

This thread contains a list consisting of all the procedures deemed as advanced techniques.

This thread deals with ZSS's matchups.
Nicholas.Riddle said:
ZSS is actually harder for Kirby to combo than most characters in the game. His only true combo gets you from 0 ~ 35 before you can jump out of it. That being said, this fight is still not easy. Around 90% ~ 100% his f-smash can and will kill you. From what I've seen, when you are in that area, Kirby users will try to fake you out until you do something that will let him connect with his f-smash...This move is also bigger than it looks so be wary. Make sure you do not recover predictably since his Dair can spike you and it starts pretty quickly.

When Kirby is at the peak of his Final Cutter (Up-B) at the point where the sword goes under him, he is vulnerable to any attack you want and you will not be punished for it. If he tries to recover from above, a spaced Bair and Uair will trade hits with his sword.
FoolyCoolyGamer said:
Considering that Zelda's been given a bit of a boost in both Nayru's love and din's fire, that would neutralize the paralyzer tactic. However, some of her moves take time to do. One in particular would be her foward A, which I take as an opportunity to counter with either flip jump or Side B. Also, in the air, she's a bit more of a threat. But if her thunder kick misses, she's done for, which I punish with F air and B air. But try not to stay in the air as her UP A and her uair have good counters to them. During din's fire though, she's left open for a few seconds, so as long as it's dodged and flip jumped over, it can be brought down.
There's more stuff on there you'd probably want to check out.

Anyway, I'm going to go on out on a limb, but it sounds like you aren't quite confident with ZSS. Once you spend enough time with her, like any character, everything will come smoother. You need time to practice and let her entirety sink in.

For starters, if you haven't already: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FLq2Kl4jH0
The easiest thing to learn is spacing her SideB defensively and offensively, However, more importantly, you must learn her range of her recovery.

Good luck.


Smash Rookie
Apr 21, 2008
ok nvm the downb gimp then :/ i guess i dont know any advanced techniqes


Mar 16, 2007
There aren't really any ATs for Zamus. You just have to know your moves and what they do. The only two things that could possibly apply are recoil specials and glidetossing.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Look at the link that Kyriel posted, and search the first post for glide toss. that will be the most useful to you as ZSS (with the armor pieces)

Check out the resource thread that is stickied for the ZSS guides and other useful information

and if you are looking for ZSS specific techniques you might try this thread:

hope it helps


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2008
i wouldn't recommend downb gimp against sheik/zelda... zelda will teleport right past it and steal the ledge (unless you can catch her in the slow startup for farore's wind). if sheik uses her chain she swings immediately out of downb range and steals the ledge with the chain (unless you can catch her before she can swing away). if she DOESN'T use the chain, she'll probably hit you with her vanish, which has high potential for KO, especially offstage (unless you catch her in the slow startup for vanish).

but yeah, chances are that you WON'T catch them offguard, and you'll either get KOd or you'll wind up with no ledge to return to and no downb to help you back to the stage.

for kirby, though, you may be able to use your paralyzer (either charged neutral b or dsmash) to get some cool attacks in... (dsmash offstage usually means you can walk off the ledge, and bair... bouncing the opponent off the stage for the stage spike yay). downb could work on kirby, but i wouldn't use it too much.
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