Hey everyone! Im Eonhunter (or just Eon) and I'm super new to the competitive Smash community, and even newer to Smashboards.
-My main is Captain Falcon is SSB4 for the 3DS (because I really can't afford a WiiU, no matter how much I long for it) because when I first played Captain Falcon, I absolutely loved him and how it felt when his moves connected and how fast he was. Also, F-Zero was one of the first video games I ever played, and although I never played more F-Zero games than that, I still hold F-Zero for the SNES close to my heart. I had a copy of Melee somewhere around here but I don't know where it went, but I used to play Melee for so many flippin hours, but now that I can't find it I resorted to playing Smash 4.
-I Joined Smashboards because now that Im fully into the competitive Smash community (although I have yet to attend a tourney, because up here in Edmonton, those things are scarce) I realized that Smashboards was the best place to go to find out all i needed and to hopefully meet some people and find out how to get to tourneys and such. I was also inspired to come after I watched ZeRo's video on Youtube about how he grew in the Smash community, and how Smashboards was his source of information.
-Im interesting in being a competitive Smash player because I love the high stakes of an intense, serious competitive match. Although me fighting against my friends during our high school lunch breaks comes nothing close to that of a tournament, I've just felt such intensity and adrenaline during the games between my best friend and I, and I want more of that. Because it is insanely fun, and it is even more fun to be good, to let others know you're good and to win. That's why I aspire to be incredible at Smash 4, and then move to being incredible at Melee. Hopefully.
-My interests are pretty casual. Besides playing hours of Smash, I rotate between my other 3 main games, being: League of Legends, CS:GO and Kerbal Space Program. But I've been playing video games since I was literally 4 years old and i love and cherish many games. Some of my favourite games include: Pokemon, Marathon (feel free to ask me about this game any time because I consider it a relic, and a legendary one at that), Halo, Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, and many more. I also love to dance, specifically Hip Hop and Pop 'N' Lock styles. I love snacking on cereal and toast, but I love candy even more.
- Im not part of any club or anything (unless this counts as one, which it probably does), I just like being with friends and having a good time.
Hey everyone!
-My main is Captain Falcon is SSB4 for the 3DS (because I really can't afford a WiiU, no matter how much I long for it) because when I first played Captain Falcon, I absolutely loved him and how it felt when his moves connected and how fast he was. Also, F-Zero was one of the first video games I ever played, and although I never played more F-Zero games than that, I still hold F-Zero for the SNES close to my heart. I had a copy of Melee somewhere around here but I don't know where it went, but I used to play Melee for so many flippin hours, but now that I can't find it I resorted to playing Smash 4.
-I Joined Smashboards because now that Im fully into the competitive Smash community (although I have yet to attend a tourney, because up here in Edmonton, those things are scarce) I realized that Smashboards was the best place to go to find out all i needed and to hopefully meet some people and find out how to get to tourneys and such. I was also inspired to come after I watched ZeRo's video on Youtube about how he grew in the Smash community, and how Smashboards was his source of information.
-Im interesting in being a competitive Smash player because I love the high stakes of an intense, serious competitive match. Although me fighting against my friends during our high school lunch breaks comes nothing close to that of a tournament, I've just felt such intensity and adrenaline during the games between my best friend and I, and I want more of that. Because it is insanely fun, and it is even more fun to be good, to let others know you're good and to win. That's why I aspire to be incredible at Smash 4, and then move to being incredible at Melee. Hopefully.
-My interests are pretty casual. Besides playing hours of Smash, I rotate between my other 3 main games, being: League of Legends, CS:GO and Kerbal Space Program. But I've been playing video games since I was literally 4 years old and i love and cherish many games. Some of my favourite games include: Pokemon, Marathon (feel free to ask me about this game any time because I consider it a relic, and a legendary one at that), Halo, Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, and many more. I also love to dance, specifically Hip Hop and Pop 'N' Lock styles. I love snacking on cereal and toast, but I love candy even more.
- Im not part of any club or anything (unless this counts as one, which it probably does), I just like being with friends and having a good time.
Hey everyone!