Hello everyone,
If I'm posting in the wrong section I apologize. This weekend I went to a Brawl tournament (M2K was there = legit? lol i guess) and I finally saw a hacked Wii so I decided to try it. I downloaded MASTERLINKX's texture and sound pack. His video was removed but it's a really popular choice. It has everything done for you essentially, and everything is under RSBE01.gct.
Even though I think I put everything in the correct place, when I load Brawl through the latest version of Gecko OS, errors occur. For the first 10 seconds everything works fine, the custom background music as well as the custom menu textures are all working. However, when I go to the character select screen, the new background music messes up, and if I back out or start a game, almost everything goes back to normal (everything but Snake's mortar and shield color).
Is there something else I need to be doing? Do I need Homebrew browser or is the latest version of Gecko OS incompatible with this particular custom pack?
Do I need to install some other Code Manger? He gave me a list of codes but I thought MASTELRINKX said that it's all compiled in RSBE01.gct already.
I've heard of Cheat Manger and Ocarina... I haven't tried either of these things but I don't know if that would make it worse.
Please help me!
If I'm posting in the wrong section I apologize. This weekend I went to a Brawl tournament (M2K was there = legit? lol i guess) and I finally saw a hacked Wii so I decided to try it. I downloaded MASTERLINKX's texture and sound pack. His video was removed but it's a really popular choice. It has everything done for you essentially, and everything is under RSBE01.gct.
Even though I think I put everything in the correct place, when I load Brawl through the latest version of Gecko OS, errors occur. For the first 10 seconds everything works fine, the custom background music as well as the custom menu textures are all working. However, when I go to the character select screen, the new background music messes up, and if I back out or start a game, almost everything goes back to normal (everything but Snake's mortar and shield color).
Is there something else I need to be doing? Do I need Homebrew browser or is the latest version of Gecko OS incompatible with this particular custom pack?
Do I need to install some other Code Manger? He gave me a list of codes but I thought MASTELRINKX said that it's all compiled in RSBE01.gct already.
I've heard of Cheat Manger and Ocarina... I haven't tried either of these things but I don't know if that would make it worse.
Please help me!