Smash Rookie
Hi! My name is Jake Smith. My smash tag is PapaNewNubby. I'm from the North Augusta/Aiken area. At the moment i mostly play Project m and in that i main Gannondorf. Peach and Mario are my secondaries. I've been to three tournaments so far and haven't exactly gotten far but i have the drive to do better and i know i'll win someday. Honestly it's hard for me to improve due to most of my friends being away from town so i have no one to practice with. But i'm always looking for someone to practice and grow with. I'm into anime like Naruto, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Seven Deadly Sins, Fairy Tail, Nichijou, Deadmans Wonderland, SAO, AOT, and really anything that is awesome and i'm able to watch. I also play league from time to time and i was big in that before i came to smash but smash kind of took over and i couldn't be happier about that. Mostly i work all day and then study all night that college life though. I've only been playing competitively for almost a year and i know i have a lot of things to learn and a lot of improving to do but i know one day i'll rise to the top! The smash community is awesome and it's where i've found a home and where i can be myself and not worry about what anyone really thinks. Thank you for being awesome. If anyone is a PM Gannon main and has some interesting tips and tricks please let me know cause i want to improve my game as much as i can. Uhhh thanks :D