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Hello Smashboard, it is I, the new account who joined you tonight!


Smash Cadet
Oct 7, 2015
Hello all. The name is RANDOM_Stranger. Why have such a stupid name you may ask? Well, naming isn't my thing, OK. Beside, I don't usually go out and meet new people and I don't really main a character on any fighting game eather and RANDOM is also a tag I used on Smash 4. I think that's the factors why I have this name.

Where do I live ATM? At my parents in Sweden, out of nowhere, on a small mountain, few people live here.

Where in life am I ATM? Done studying. Unemployed now. It sucks. Easily one of the worst parts in life in my knowledge. Still fighting for getting a work though.

Have I played Smash in my life? Well yes, it started long time ago, when I visit my cousins cousin with my cousins. The kid we visited had a Nintendo 64 which neather of us had. Not only that, he also had 4 controllers to it, and this game called Super Smash Bros.. In short, we had much fun with it. However, we don't usually visit this kid soo I didn't have much oppertunity to play this game. (last year however, he wanted to sell it. And my cousin bought it. Though, 2 of the controllers are gone/broken)

Years went, me and my younger brother together owned an Xbox console and played very much on it, especially Halo 1 & 2. Next console gen came and we owned together a Xbox 360 and played even more on it (especially Halo). However, ones this current gen came, I wasn't much interested on eather Microsofts Xbox One or Sonys PS4. I was thinking back on the days when I played on my fathers NES, my neighbors SNES, my Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance and there games I spend. I also did buy an 2DS early last year and also have fun with it. Soo I decided on checking out WiiU, it didn't go well for that machine, but it was much more appealing than Xbox One and PS4 soo I decided to get one. I don't regrett I got it. And I will try to get as much games on it as possible, epecially the old games I missed when they got launched (I also decided on getting Xenoblade Chronicles X on launch, soo I dunno how much space I will have on WiiU ones I get it (Will get the Disc version of course)). And Smash 4 was an obvious game to own for that system soo I bought that game somewhere after christmas.

Smash 4 became easily one of my favorite games on WiiU soo far (I don't own much titles on it however, but still). And with few more controllers, it's really fun to play this with your friends/cousins. And not only that. But there is no way to fully learn this game. Sure, you can learn and "master" the basics. But I pretty much learn new things almost every time I play it. Eather online or offline with friends.

Am I interested on the competive scene? Absolutely. I can't really tell when. But I sometimes watched some of the Smash Melee tournoments and very few Brawl before I got back to the Nintendo franchises. And now when I have a smash game to play, the interest is rising. And I really wasn't in for E-sport or sports overall. Yes, I watch the Smash 4 scene to.

Why am I here? Well, to be honest. I don't really know why. I have earlier joined some fighting game communities on the internet. But I really didn't have much to contribute in them soo I just read through what have been said and never really made any impact on them, soo I was mostely lurking around on there off topics if they ever had any. I fear the same thing will happend here aswell. But who knows?

Have I other interests outside of gaming? I dunno really. I usually start on something. It's fun first, but I lose interest on them later on. Fishing is something I still do today and started doing when I was very young. However, the interest has sinked a lot. I don't really take the initiative to go out and do it myself (I also have to pay almost every place I know about around me just to be able to fish, wasn't like that 10 years ago or soo). I usually take care of the dog home alone becaus not many can in my family becaus of school or work. Also sometimes help my grandparents becaus the dog can follow with me. I usually fish if someone or my father ask me if I want to on a weekend. As long it doesn't blow extremely, I say yes.
I one time learned to play Accordion. But ones my teacher (a damn good one) had to end and there was no one to replace, I started to lose the interest on that one to. I really want to be good on it. But I think it's hard to learn a new song. Soo when I try ot learn a new song some days and it doesn't progress, I just quit a long time on it. Let it lay there on the courner in it's box, collecting dust.
I also bought Arduino starter kit few months ago. Mostely becaus of what I studied, PLC programming etc. I sometimes pick it up and tested new things. Sure, I can never really be fully learned. But I think it's hard to come up with something new to test it with soo same thing there, collecting dust ATM. However, I should have the free time to test it out some more now. Should pick it up again soon after I'm done waxing my car (a thingy I use to wax with broke, only had one side left).

Do you attend tournaments? Sadly no. I don't know many tournoments around me except some Counter Strike and such tourneys. And I dunno if I should join one eather. While I don't live extremely to far away from a place like Gothenburg (about 2, maby closer to 3 h car riding if I remember correctly), I don't think it's worth the travel.

Wow, I sound like a very boring person. Except playing video games, don't I do other stuffs? Not major big stuffs no. But when I feel for it. I do watch series/movies. Yes, that include anime. I also read few mangas. I also lurk around the internet soo you may have seen me on other places to, you just don't know it :p

Nice profile pic, I think I know who it is! My profile pic is Kent Powers from Quack Pack. Why did I choose it? Well, I checked what pictures I had and was suprised I had this low res picture on my computer. I never used it on anything before. It was a bit to large for using him, soo to use it I had to use my not soo amazing MS paint skills to make it 150x150 large.

Soo much text, just why? Meh. Felt for it. It's 11.30 PM here now and I have nothing to do unless disrupting my parents sleep.

Hope you feel it was interesting to know me.
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Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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