Ryu Wolf
Smash Rookie
I'm Ryu Wolf, I've not really gotten to grips with this site YET so I suppose since I'm bored I'd make one of these introductions.
So yeah I'm Ryu, I like Smash of course I wouldn't be here otherwise. I've been playing Smash somewhat seriously for about two years now I think? I first played Smash when I rented Brawl for a day in like, 2009 and I....Hated it, tho I love every Smash game now so it's cool don't flame me please
I have an odd gimmick in terms of mains for every game, I have a rule to have only 3 mains per game tho technically I have one main and two secondaries. They consist of...
64 -

Melee -

Brawl -

PM -

3DS -

Wii U -

(I have 3 mains for 3DS and Wii U separately tho technically I use them all in both, it just looks nicer to separate them)
In terms of my Smash skills, I'd say I'm pretty decent tho deep down I know I'm complete and utter trash tho I do want to improve and am working towards improving so if you wanna fight me sometime, that's cool, just be warned my internet's trash.
Outside of the Smash franchise I'm into other video games of course. Some of my favourite franchises include:
Alright I guess to end it off I should talk some more about smash tho what else is there to say? I love the franchise, it's really the only fighting game series I like and even tho I'm very new to the scene itself I hope one day to go to a tourney and hopefully when I do I'm good enough to last, at least more than 5 matches tho I may be getting a bit TOO enthusiatic there
If you want you can also find me outside of SB's here
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RtW_64 (Where I'm the most active)
Twitch - http://Twitch.tv/RyutheWolf64 (I stream, sometimes and speedrun too)
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq8KeFDME6heWPmtXjUu5Ww (I barely upload here tho I want to return to video making some day)
Anyways, this was the introduction to, me, if you want to I'm free to talk smash or anything really. See you guys in the site.
/ (Also fave Pokémon is Jolteon in case anyone was wondering

I'm Ryu Wolf, I've not really gotten to grips with this site YET so I suppose since I'm bored I'd make one of these introductions.
So yeah I'm Ryu, I like Smash of course I wouldn't be here otherwise. I've been playing Smash somewhat seriously for about two years now I think? I first played Smash when I rented Brawl for a day in like, 2009 and I....Hated it, tho I love every Smash game now so it's cool don't flame me please
I have an odd gimmick in terms of mains for every game, I have a rule to have only 3 mains per game tho technically I have one main and two secondaries. They consist of...
64 -
Melee -
Brawl -
PM -
3DS -
Wii U -
(I have 3 mains for 3DS and Wii U separately tho technically I use them all in both, it just looks nicer to separate them)
In terms of my Smash skills, I'd say I'm pretty decent tho deep down I know I'm complete and utter trash tho I do want to improve and am working towards improving so if you wanna fight me sometime, that's cool, just be warned my internet's trash.
Outside of the Smash franchise I'm into other video games of course. Some of my favourite franchises include:
- The Legend of Zelda. (Majora's Mask is my favourite game)
- Pokémon (Courtney from ORAS is my waifu
- Kingdom Hearts (Not a single KH game is bad, the plot can be sometimes but the characters are great and gameplay is solid
- Steven Universe (Solid writing, animation, characters, music, it's just 10-10 except when it's not)
- Gravity Falls (Great mystery, characters, animation again, just a great show)
- The Amazing World of Gumball (Very unique animation with great comedy tho probably too self aware at times)
Alright I guess to end it off I should talk some more about smash tho what else is there to say? I love the franchise, it's really the only fighting game series I like and even tho I'm very new to the scene itself I hope one day to go to a tourney and hopefully when I do I'm good enough to last, at least more than 5 matches tho I may be getting a bit TOO enthusiatic there
If you want you can also find me outside of SB's here
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RtW_64 (Where I'm the most active)
Twitch - http://Twitch.tv/RyutheWolf64 (I stream, sometimes and speedrun too)
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq8KeFDME6heWPmtXjUu5Ww (I barely upload here tho I want to return to video making some day)
Anyways, this was the introduction to, me, if you want to I'm free to talk smash or anything really. See you guys in the site.