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Hello everyone


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
so needless to say most of you will not recognize this name. I was a constant lurker of the forums for a while and finally decided to make a thread, in what better place other than my mains. I've been maining (trying at least) to main yoshi for a good time now and have been doing many mirror matches against a friend of mine (whom doesnt main yoshi), however thats besides the point and belongs somewhere else.
My main reason for creating this thread is to say hello to all of the yoshi goers and say thanks for the information most of you have submitted to the forums that have helped improved my yoshi game. yoshi went from being a character I would never touch, to being a character I have the most fun playing with and have gotten to be suffiicient with. I do have some random questions and look for advice if possible. Some of the main problems characters I have problems with are actually diddy kong, princess martha, sheik and snake. Any advice for beating those characters would be greatly appreciated even if its just small tips and things to look out for. Needless to say, snake usually Usmash glides constantly, etc etc.
Secondly, if its not too much, what do you usually do when you knock someone off the edge? do you attempt a yoshi spike? wait and edge guard?
thanks for reading. I'm off to ***** my Wii FC to fight yoshi mirrors to get better.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
so needless to say most of you will not recognize this name. I was a constant lurker of the forums for a while and finally decided to make a thread, in what better place other than my mains. I've been maining (trying at least) to main yoshi for a good time now and have been doing many mirror matches against a friend of mine (whom doesnt main yoshi), however thats besides the point and belongs somewhere else.
My main reason for creating this thread is to say hello to all of the yoshi goers and say thanks for the information most of you have submitted to the forums that have helped improved my yoshi game. yoshi went from being a character I would never touch, to being a character I have the most fun playing with and have gotten to be suffiicient with. I do have some random questions and look for advice if possible. Some of the main problems characters I have problems with are actually diddy kong, princess martha, sheik and snake. Any advice for beating those characters would be greatly appreciated even if its just small tips and things to look out for. Needless to say, snake usually Usmash glides constantly, etc etc.
Secondly, if its not too much, what do you usually do when you knock someone off the edge? do you attempt a yoshi spike? wait and edge guard?
thanks for reading. I'm off to ***** my Wii FC to fight yoshi mirrors to get better.
Thanks for the feedback Tsukulied. First of all, for your learning to counter those characters I would definitely check out the match-up thread. We have a lot of users who throw out some excellent info.

Alright for your second half I would say that I normally don't go for the spike. But that's just me, instead try these methods.

  • Try to gimp with Yoshi flutter step. Dair is a very good way to keep those opponents at bay.
  • Dtilt edge gaurd.
  • Uair at higher altitudes.
  • Nair at percentages over 120%

Hope this helps ya.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Thanks for the feedback Tsukulied. First of all, for your learning to counter those characters I would definitely check out the match-up thread. We have a lot of users who throw out some excellent info.

Alright for your second half I would say that I normally don't go for the spike. But that's just me, instead try these methods.

  • Try to gimp with Yoshi flutter step. Dair is a very good way to keep those opponents at bay.
  • Dtilt edge gaurd.
  • Uair at higher altitudes.
  • Nair at percentages over 120%

Hope this helps ya.
Much obliged. thank you, I've implemented the flutter instead of the Spike and its work wonders against snake, I've yet to try on the others but gimping snake a bit is always a plus.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Dair to footstool is one of my favorite gimpers, and it's usually far easier to pull off than a spike (at least for me.) If you don't feel safe jumping out there - and there are many times you shouldn't - just spam eggs from the edge.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
Yeah, if they're over the edge, how I edgeguard depends on who the opponent is. Meta Knight for example, I would not try to attack head-on usually because of his priority, fast attacks, and good recovery. I'd probably use eggs from the stage. However, if it's say, Luigi, I'd probably try to spike or nair to edgeguard. Dair should work well, and it's something I should use for often. Hope this helps.

As Chaco said, check the matchup thread, we have info and different viewpoints on most of the characters.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
Welcome to the Island Tsukulied, we hope you find it home.

Diddy- Carefully place attacks, such as eggs, to rake up some damage. Get him out of his comfort zone. Once his percentage is up, or he starts making mistakes, thats a really good time to finish him off. Your also fast enough, especially with your item pick-up speed, to make use of his banana's against him. A tripped Diddy in the matchup is a dead Diddy.

Marth- Break his gaurd. He can counter almost everything you do, so why not give him that option, throw some eggs at medium range right in his face. He can be hit with your neutral B, and if he's not paying perfect attention, grabs are amazing in this matchup. Be warned though, Marths normally crappy recovery actually knocks Yoshi pretty bad, so if he could potentially come back with it, avoid him. He he's forced to counter in the air, he'll lose momentum, and usually die if he's far enough. His overB doesn't give him height anymore, so he's got less options for returning.

Shiek- Shiek's hardly a monster anymore, you were stronger than her in melee, she got nerfed, you got buffed. Guess what? Outside of a few tricky combo's, you can smash her around all day if you can catch her. She's pretty helpless in the air, and your u-air can go through her d-air if you time it right.

Zelda- EVERYONE hates this match. Fortunately for you, your fast horizontally in both the air and on the ground, so Din's Fire isn't the end all counter to you. Your double jump can also counter lightning kick, but I wouldn't practice sucking them up anyways. Her neutralB's a pain, and can reflect your eggs this time, though they usually can't reach you. Her Uair usually kills most attempts to dair spike her, so go up. He dair might spike, but she has a nightmarishly small sweatspot on it, meaning your fairly broad uair can nail her. Instructions for this match: Get in, knock her up, swat off the top, repeat. Be warned, her dash and usmash own you.

Snake- I've seen few characters as good for snake as Yoshi. Yoshi's a heavy, meaning snake actually has to build some damage to kill you, but your still fast, so you can dodge 90% of his tricks. I'm honestly not sure, but I think some of your attacks outrange his f-tilt, but your dair is totally screwed; snakes utilt is probabally the best finishing move in the game. Normally its ill advised to use the yoshi shield, but snake usually can't immidiately follow his attacks with anything but the same (cept for snakedashing, but Yoshi doesn't have issues with it), so if you shield his f-tilt, he'll knock you out of the next one's range. Most people need to get into snakes range, you don't; egg him till he's close to 100, then start popping him off the ledge. Snakes not bad off the ledge, but he's amazing on terra firma, so pick your battle. Your air game is better than your ground game.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Thanks for all the advice. A much deserved thanks to YoshiHyrbid in going so in-depth with counters, and whatnot. I suprsingly hardly use eggs unless it's to edge guard or piss people off, using them against marth and kind of messing with his counter has proved to be quite useful.
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