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Hello everyone, Theo Vellum here.

Theo Vellum

Smash Rookie
May 6, 2015
Where technology reigns...
Hi! I'm Theo Vellum, and I'm pretty new here. I don't play much in the way of online anymore... (Due to the fact that... Well... The latest smash I have is for the Wii. And... Ya know...) I was brought to this board by the allure of the Make Your Move Contests, and hope to make some awesome custom move sets in the future. I personally can't wait for the next contest though, so if there's any place I can make a thread for all my movesets. I would be greatly appreciative if you told me.

This is one of my first time on such a large forum though... I'm honestly kind of nervous. I have been on other forums before, but I've never been that successful. I hope this time I leave a lasting impression. Even if I can't play until I get either a 3DS or Wii U.

As for what I'm like? Well... I enjoy Books, Games, TV, Tennis, Golf, Playing catch with my older brother, and all sorts of things! I really enjoy writing, and creating custom story modes for what if fighting games. Along with my own fighters. How I went for so long without knowing of the Make Your Move contests confuses me even now...

I hope to have fun with you all, I welcome anyone to be my friend on Skype, but first I have to get to know you a teensy tiny bit, so if you want to have any conversations, just ask me. Even if I'm so shy it's hurting a big to get those words out, I need to get over my shyness.

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Welcome to Smashboards !

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If you need any assistance I'll be glad to help, just message me !

EDIT: Made by @KMZ || WolfieXVII, @ Trieste SP Trieste SP and @Cyndane

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Welcome Theo, enjoy your stay!

Well, I heard some guys hacked Wiis to have Wi-Fi

Deleted member

Welcome! Yes, Brawl can be played online still. You just need tools like Wiimmfi (for example) in order for it to work again.
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