Smash Journeyman

Our PM weekly is to satisfy the true Smash-Mod-Lovers in all of us! This will be the only PM tournament in the North Jersey Region of it's kind, so if you want to see the return of PM like I do, come out and support our efforts to bring back this amazingl and fun Smash Game to the HBA roster!
Check out this event and all our other events on FB
Stream -
6:00pm - Doors Open
8:00pm - Singles Bracket
Text Johnny @ 201-704-3802 if running late!
Tournament Fees
Entry fee - $5
Venue fee - $5
Stage selection will match the Olympus top 8 build. If you don't know what that is I highly recommend looking up "Olympus top 8 pm" on YouTube
Counterpicks: warioland FD dreamland delfinos secret
Starters: GHZ smashville battlefield ps2 FoD
Top 3 payout 60/30/10 if 10 or more entrants
Top 2 payout 65/35 is 9 or less entrants
Looking forward to meeting new smashers and greeting old ones with my first event!