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Having problems with display!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2007
Chelmsford, MA
I'm having a problem with the display on my computer screen and wondered if any of you folks could please help me out. There are several yellow lines running vertically down the screen and whenever I scroll down a page there is HUGE delay(for lack of a better word) time (looks like 3 ripples that go down the screen) and it is extremely irritating.
Let me give some backround about how this came to be. So one day im on my computer and the whole thing shuts down (this was happening quite frequently and I was sort of used to it and knew something was wrong). I tried to turn it back on but everytime it got past the XP loading screen it restarted again WTF :mad:. My dad and I try to get it running again and when we finally get to the desktop this yellow line delay problem starts happening. We tried reinstalling the video drivers (something of that sort) but to no avail.
After taking the comp to circuit city to see what was wrong the people there told us the hard drive needed to be replaced. So we put the new hard drive in and do the necessary updates and its running again (completely blank of course thanks to the backup thingy that we cant get to work properly). This solved the "computer not running at all" problem but the yellow lines and crappy delay were still there.
I'm not sure what do do. Should I get another graphics card or something? It is very frustrating wating 5 seconds everytime I scroll down a page and staring at yellow lines. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
Mililani, Hawaii
I think you should get a whole new monitor! But get a new graphics card. Either that or you can just go to Circuit City again!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2007
Chelmsford, MA
I had the monitor going to my old computer when the newer one was at circuit city and everything was fine there so the monitor seems to be fine. You think getting a new graphics card will fix the problem? Hopefully its just that. I don't know how much more circuit city can help :[


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
Mililani, Hawaii
If Circuit City can't help, try Best Buy! They got my comp fixed once and I think the problem was similiar to yours.
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