Smash Apprentice
To begin, I have to say I'm surprised at the high percentages and slow paced battles that have generally been shown in the vids thusfar. My friends and I noticed knockout was generally around 120-130%. The game is amazing, the physics make it feels ten times better than melee.
This isn't a detailed report on Lucas's moves; you can go elsewhere for that. My goal is to give you my impression on the way Lucas felt as a character compared to others.
I really enjoyed Lucas. When I first saw him revealed on the dojo I was upset. My biggest fear was losing Ness's "o0Okay." taunt. Now, that Both Ness and Lucas are in and I've played the game, I'm not sure I will be playing Ness at all anymore. The taunt that makes it look like the snake is coming out of Lucas's pants is enough for me.
First of all don't expect Ness, at all. I forgot I was playing someone with a couple moves similar to is. Almost all of Lucas's and Ness's A-moves look and/or feel completely different. Ness is a very precise fighter with pretty strong moves.
Lucas is an agile acrobatic psy-kid. The strongest point of most of his moves from what I've observed is at the tip where the hexagons appear as expensions of his arms and legs. In this way I compare his fighting style to Marth. Lucas has a lot of kicking/flip-kicking moves which allows him the ability to look really cool while fighting. Lucas has an amazing Nair. It reminds me of pika's Fair in smash64. It does great damage, good priority, and it sucks your enemy into it. His best kill move is without a doubt his upSmash. It has incredible kill potential and some of the best range I've seen in any attack. If your enemy is anywhere above you, or standing to either side of u they will get sucked into this attack like a jet engine.
His B-moves aren't comparable to Ness's outside of asthetic similarities. His downB psymagnet is now almost entirely in front of Lucas, rather than engulfing him. However, it is fast with virtually no lag and it does small damage along with knockback.
PKfire is now a great move to get some space between you and your enemy. Its purely used for knockback purposes.
Everyone knows about his upB, its less manuverable than ness's, but doesnt disappear when it hits someone.
PKfreeze initially interested me because of the possibility to freeze them off the ledge and watch then drop; however, this won't be the case because when u hit someone with it, it sentds them very high vvertically upward. It seems to have little use outside of a teams match, beecause by the time u reach them they have broken out.
Overall, I love Lucas. Can't get enough of him. His playstyle allows for crazy combo potentional. Think Ness+Marth+Diddy=Lucas. I was surprised to discover the stick doesnt suck, and its much faster than the bat.
This isn't a detailed report on Lucas's moves; you can go elsewhere for that. My goal is to give you my impression on the way Lucas felt as a character compared to others.
I really enjoyed Lucas. When I first saw him revealed on the dojo I was upset. My biggest fear was losing Ness's "o0Okay." taunt. Now, that Both Ness and Lucas are in and I've played the game, I'm not sure I will be playing Ness at all anymore. The taunt that makes it look like the snake is coming out of Lucas's pants is enough for me.
First of all don't expect Ness, at all. I forgot I was playing someone with a couple moves similar to is. Almost all of Lucas's and Ness's A-moves look and/or feel completely different. Ness is a very precise fighter with pretty strong moves.
Lucas is an agile acrobatic psy-kid. The strongest point of most of his moves from what I've observed is at the tip where the hexagons appear as expensions of his arms and legs. In this way I compare his fighting style to Marth. Lucas has a lot of kicking/flip-kicking moves which allows him the ability to look really cool while fighting. Lucas has an amazing Nair. It reminds me of pika's Fair in smash64. It does great damage, good priority, and it sucks your enemy into it. His best kill move is without a doubt his upSmash. It has incredible kill potential and some of the best range I've seen in any attack. If your enemy is anywhere above you, or standing to either side of u they will get sucked into this attack like a jet engine.
His B-moves aren't comparable to Ness's outside of asthetic similarities. His downB psymagnet is now almost entirely in front of Lucas, rather than engulfing him. However, it is fast with virtually no lag and it does small damage along with knockback.
PKfire is now a great move to get some space between you and your enemy. Its purely used for knockback purposes.
Everyone knows about his upB, its less manuverable than ness's, but doesnt disappear when it hits someone.
PKfreeze initially interested me because of the possibility to freeze them off the ledge and watch then drop; however, this won't be the case because when u hit someone with it, it sentds them very high vvertically upward. It seems to have little use outside of a teams match, beecause by the time u reach them they have broken out.
Overall, I love Lucas. Can't get enough of him. His playstyle allows for crazy combo potentional. Think Ness+Marth+Diddy=Lucas. I was surprised to discover the stick doesnt suck, and its much faster than the bat.