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Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Thanks everyone for coming out. We had 41 Singles Entrants and 16 teams. Nice turnout. I wanna thank KLit for being available for assistance and I want to thank Tope for helping me with seeding late in the day as I was getting a little tired. Unfortunately, DoH couldn't get a ride but wish you were here dude! Oh Well see you at Apex! I have been burning the candle at both ends. Friday before this tourney I actually was up to 2am finishing homework and up again before the tourney started working on it so thanks again for the help I got. Thanks to the out of state guys that came. let your folks back home know about your time here in Connecticut. The next tourney will likely be an Apex warm up in early Jan pending there aren't any others going on nearby. Keep your eyes open here on the boards and on Facebook. Also thank Felipe for having us once again. We're getting better at this tourney thing.

Also. Saw some new faces. glad to see people still like this game as it is great. Keep showing and you will have more great experiences here! There are lots of people there who are locals who started coming to these one by one just like you guys and now they've gotten better and known in the area so small steps!

Shoutouts to Mafia for beating me in bracket early. I won't lose our next encounter. Bet on it


1: HAX
2: Swift
3: DJ Nintendo
4: Tope
5: Zoso
5: Mafia
7: T.Webb
7: Reno
9: ProskaterJoe
9: Andy
9: Spawn
9: MDZ
13: G$
13: Colin
13: Zenox
13: Aber

1: HAX/G$
2: Reno/DJ Nintendo
3: Matt/Mafia
4: Tope/Zoso
5: T.Webb/Swift
5: KLit/Spawn
7: Jack/AwesomeSean
7: Cpu/Wej
9: Jazz Dynamite/Nope
9: Zenox/Sozen
9: Braintrain/Golfwang
13: Oskar/PocketTitan
13: Con40/Kingpin
13: Sandbag/TommyCK
13: ImmortalLobstah/Gladiator



Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2013
Hey thanks for running the tourney Swift! It was the first one I went to but it seemed pretty smoothly run. Even though my friend and I got wrecked it was cool to meet so many good smashers. Especially KLit who gave me some pro-tips.


I eat stickers all the time, dude!
Feb 18, 2008
Storrs, University of Connecticut, CT
Lots of fun. Great first tournament

Swift you were an amazing host and congrats on second place!
Zenox congrats on getting into bracket, take a Xanex next time :p
G$ you were hilarious and all of us watching GTA5 during winner's finals was hilarious
Mafia you were super nice and your attitude was amazing. Thanks for showing me the peach match up, sorry I didn't shut up while you were explaining it, I really just wanted to play you to be honest.
Tope you were so nice. Thanks for playing those extra games with me in pools and teaching me a few things
T.Webb thanks for being hilarious and trying to "commentate" me getting wrecked in pools vs Reno
Hax you're too good, I didn't get to talk to you but your fox is too damn good, wish I could have seen the falcon
Dj I didn't get to talk to you ether but you're too good I want to get at you at pokemon next time you're in CT though
Jack I think your name was? Sorry, terrible memory, thanks for all the friendlies we played they were a blast
Andy thanks for the fun games too, you were super nice and it was a pleasure
See you at school Uconn kids

shadrach kabango

Banned via Warnings
Dec 8, 2011
stacked tourny

omg u 3-0ed hax? vidzz plz

lol @ losing to mafia tho, he's hella fraudulent

always great to see MDZ get pooped on

dunno man ive never in my life thought g$ was good at this game except for one brief period of time circa genesis where he was legit good in dubs
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