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Hacking brawl/ online play


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
As a veteran hacker of melee, i can think of so many ways to take control of games in smash without the least bit of penalties.

brawl uses what i think is a host based online game system, where u search or host a match. when searching u are pitted with random players but the one with the best connection will be host.

Over time action replay hackers were able to dump ram and manipulate code to pull out extra characters from single player such as giga bowser, multimen, and master hand.

we could possibly do the same with some of these enemies in subspace depending on if their code is more character than item. For example goombas were not able to be playable in melee using hacks, but i wonder how some of these subspace enemies will be coded.

Its only a matter of time b4 action replay is made available to the wii and brawls code will be able to be chopped. mended, and reset.

So for all u ridley fans, be patient, youll be playing as ridley in no time.

As for online play with these hacks, i think that if you have host for the match then your code will go through and youll be able to use ridley n such online with other people who have these codes enabled.

And as for cheating online, i hope Nintendo has some way of punishing stand byers. But since theres no rank system people will have less of a reason to cheat.

As soon as i get my hands on Brawl , me and a few others are going to try our best to get the ram dumped and get the code in our hands. once we have the code well be able to change the way brawl is.

New challanger approaching! Tabuu and Ridley have joined the fray! Lets hope so


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Simple Solution to everything Online Hacking related;

Play with a Friend mode.

Seriously knock yourself out hacking the With Anyone Mode. That way when people see Ridley or Taboo in their With Anyone games, they'll just drop from the match and their character will be replaced with a CPU and you won't even be able to tell. Not to mention with the amount of users playing, queuing up for another "With Anyone" match will take under 30 seconds.

Congrats on Wrecking a CPU with a Hacked Character Online. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
it will be quite difficult for AR users.
If Nintendo releases firmware they can prevent hackers since the hackers would need to continously find ways around the firmware before it can be used.

you are correct that it uses a host based system but it goes based upon the person with the worst lag so that it slows everyone down so no one has an advantage. I say this mainly because the system is incredibly similar to that of MP:H

hackers won't be too great of a problem provided nintendo actually cares enough to take the proper measures.

Ares And Enyo

Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2007
You like Hercules will soon join the ranks of the smash gods with your great feats. Praise you for your worthy accomplishments. Please let us know how to play brawl with modchips!


Smash Cadet
Jan 2, 2008
I dunno, if it happened and I was one of the random people playing I'd probably just laugh my *** off and get rocked for the whole fight ;)

My guess is that they'll have some sort of "report" function that could ban you from anywhere from a day to forever...Nintendo probably wants to keep their new game clean for a good while :)


Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2008
Glendale, CA
While it is true that hackers will be able to mcuk around inside Brawl when Datel comes out with an AR for Wii, Datel has stated multiple times that they only make codes for non-online gameplay. Their codes won't work during online matches. However, I do not know whether or not the AR itself will shut off. If it doesn't, then 'home-made' codes could cause problems for online play.

Here's to hoping people will only use codes locally :)


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
While it is true that hackers will be able to mcuk around inside Brawl when Datel comes out with an AR for Wii, Datel has stated multiple times that they only make codes for non-online gameplay. Their codes won't work during online matches. However, I do not know whether or not the AR itself will shut off. If it doesn't, then 'home-made' codes could cause problems for online play.

Here's to hoping people will only use codes locally :)
Cheers .


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2007
There will be no AR for Wii.

characters like Ridley do not have a player slot, they are "part of the environment" so to speak, like Goombas. Giga Bowser and Sandbag all took up character slot spaces, so that's why they were playable in Melee. Ridley has not been created with a moveset in mind, or probably not even able to travel on the ground, because as a boss, he has set motions and abilities. Though the same could be said for Master Hand I guess, but again, Master Hand took up a character slot.

If there is ever an AR on Wii, which there won't be, the only playable characters will be fighting Alloy, possibly Giga Bowser and Beast Ganon, and maybe Master Hand (I don't know if he has a character slot in Brawl, or is a boss just like Ridley).


Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2008
Glendale, CA
There will be no AR for Wii.
Prove it. Datel themselves said that they are working on one on their website a while ago.

...characters like Ridley do not have a player slot, they are "part of the environment" so to speak, like Goombas. Giga Bowser and Sandbag all took up character slot spaces, so that's why they were playable in Melee. Ridley has not been created with a moveset in mind, or probably not even able to travel on the ground, because as a boss, he has set motions and abilities. Though the same could be said for Master Hand I guess, but again, Master Hand took up a character slot.
I agree. It is extremely unlikely that Ridley will be able to be played, action replay or not.

How do you know there won't be an AR for Wii?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2006
Niles, MI
I dunno, if it happened and I was one of the random people playing I'd probably just laugh my *** off and get rocked for the whole fight ;)

My guess is that they'll have some sort of "report" function that could ban you from anywhere from a day to forever...Nintendo probably wants to keep their new game clean for a good while :)
no. this is nintendo. they block people from doing things and shield the kids. they don't do things like "report buttons" or "internet voice chatting" or "No clones".


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2006
Nintendo will just ban anyone using Ridley or an Alloy. They tend to be good banning people who use Arseus in Diamond & Pearl.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2007
Because the Wii (and all 7th gen) hardware will not allow it. Riddle me this: Why was there an AR created for DS so soon after DS' release, yet PSP still doesn't have one? Nor does XBOX, 360, PS3 or Wii?

Because they have updatable firmware. ARs are unofficial and are not sponsored by Nintendo. As soon as Nintendo is aware one exists, all they need to do is update the firmware, and bam, AR is useless, until they make a new one, for which Nintendo will update the firmware to block too.

I can't think of any way around this. There will not be an AR on Wii, 360, PS3 or PSP.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
yeah i just got done researching this issue. seems ur very right superlink9.
BUT- datel is still trying. theres is a possibility to use an AR, but it would only work for a certian system of the wii. and as you all know Wii can be given mandatory updates via online connection.

So how do we get around that? Pretty much only way is to use an AR, but have datel post updates for the AR itself online. Would u want to depend on Datel cracking every update everytime your AR is blocked? i dont know, but well see what they come u8p with. and as for rayquazas and "background enemies", we can manipulate the code , that much is true.

BUt as i posted earlier, it all depends on what kind of code it is.
If rayquaza isnt playable or able to assign attacks to buttons then we could easily, and i mean easily drop them into local vrs games. Imagine a 4 man brawl with rayquaza popping out of the sky. Want to fight 4 pokeys? go ahead! the possibilities are endless.

Ive been able to use code that enabled me to switch entire movesets to other characters. although it was unstable and crashed a few times, it was fun nonetheless.

And as for master cheif in melee, according to the code for he and the multimen and giga bowser, were developed with fuctioning control support. This is how they tested them in debug modes b4 the game was released.

Im sure that they still did this in brawl. It makes develop ment so much easier.

im willing to almost promise that if we can get to the code, we can make these characters playable. its just gonna take time. i personally am going on the ridley hunt as soon as i have the resources to dump the games ram.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
he dont ruin. we enhance.

besides, if you had the know how, youd be doing it too.

If and when i make ridley playable, youll want the code wont you?
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