Smash Champion
As a veteran hacker of melee, i can think of so many ways to take control of games in smash without the least bit of penalties.
brawl uses what i think is a host based online game system, where u search or host a match. when searching u are pitted with random players but the one with the best connection will be host.
Over time action replay hackers were able to dump ram and manipulate code to pull out extra characters from single player such as giga bowser, multimen, and master hand.
we could possibly do the same with some of these enemies in subspace depending on if their code is more character than item. For example goombas were not able to be playable in melee using hacks, but i wonder how some of these subspace enemies will be coded.
Its only a matter of time b4 action replay is made available to the wii and brawls code will be able to be chopped. mended, and reset.
So for all u ridley fans, be patient, youll be playing as ridley in no time.
As for online play with these hacks, i think that if you have host for the match then your code will go through and youll be able to use ridley n such online with other people who have these codes enabled.
And as for cheating online, i hope Nintendo has some way of punishing stand byers. But since theres no rank system people will have less of a reason to cheat.
As soon as i get my hands on Brawl , me and a few others are going to try our best to get the ram dumped and get the code in our hands. once we have the code well be able to change the way brawl is.
New challanger approaching! Tabuu and Ridley have joined the fray! Lets hope so
brawl uses what i think is a host based online game system, where u search or host a match. when searching u are pitted with random players but the one with the best connection will be host.
Over time action replay hackers were able to dump ram and manipulate code to pull out extra characters from single player such as giga bowser, multimen, and master hand.
we could possibly do the same with some of these enemies in subspace depending on if their code is more character than item. For example goombas were not able to be playable in melee using hacks, but i wonder how some of these subspace enemies will be coded.
Its only a matter of time b4 action replay is made available to the wii and brawls code will be able to be chopped. mended, and reset.
So for all u ridley fans, be patient, youll be playing as ridley in no time.
As for online play with these hacks, i think that if you have host for the match then your code will go through and youll be able to use ridley n such online with other people who have these codes enabled.
And as for cheating online, i hope Nintendo has some way of punishing stand byers. But since theres no rank system people will have less of a reason to cheat.
As soon as i get my hands on Brawl , me and a few others are going to try our best to get the ram dumped and get the code in our hands. once we have the code well be able to change the way brawl is.
New challanger approaching! Tabuu and Ridley have joined the fray! Lets hope so