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Grounded D-Air


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2005
So, everybody knows that when you D-Air in a short hop, but do it a little late, you finish the attack after landing. I've been using this a little more lately with some interesting results.

In the middle percentages (40% - 80% or so) you can usually get off an F-Tilt or D-Smash afterwards, or at least if they're not expecting it. I'm not sure, haha. Later on, I think you can get off an F-Smash as well.

Maybe this has gone over before, but it'd be great if anyone could confirm these strings or post any of their own.


Smash Ace
Jan 8, 2009
Dair to Utilt is my personal favorite.
Dair to grab is good to, but you have to time it just right.
Dair to Dsmash is cool too
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