Smash Rookie
Hello Smashboards, I'm new to the place, and I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Alex, I'm an experienced Smash Brothers player, I main Ness and I own the Wii U version of the game (I've played them all tho.)
I'm always looking for people to compete with me with the purpose of having fun, but at the same time to show off some skills, so, I'll be here!
NNID: Rockin0mega
My name is Alex, I'm an experienced Smash Brothers player, I main Ness and I own the Wii U version of the game (I've played them all tho.)
I'm always looking for people to compete with me with the purpose of having fun, but at the same time to show off some skills, so, I'll be here!
NNID: Rockin0mega