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Greetings, pros


Smash Rookie
Sep 16, 2015
Thought about it forever but finally broke down and made an acc.
I am from Ohio in the united states (the doomed Midwest yes I know)

I am 1 yr into playing melee, I play :ganondorfmelee: :marthmelee: :sheikmelee: and :foxmelee:, but I currently feel most comfortable with :ganondorfmelee:.
I also play a lot of PM, mostly playing with :gawmelee: :ganondorfmelee: :sheikmelee: and :zeldamelee:

I do all of the basic tech like L-cancel and wavedash pretty much perfect, but more advanced stuff such as teching walls, SDI, neutral game, matchups, punishing etc I have not dived into deep. I feel like I am in this awkward fringe state where I can't have fun at all with casual people because I effortlessly crush them, but when I try to come to a hardcore get-together I am the biggest scrub and don't belong. I have visited my local scene before and I was very intimidated, and struggled to even talk to people since they seemed so into the game.

The main thing I wanted to figure out though is if someone here can direct me figuring out getting melee and PM on my comp and playing it online, because I have watched some videos by bidooof and I want to get in on that madness.
Also, how the hell you play on a comp controls-wise.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Welcome to the boards!
Check out this guide for info on getting Project M up and running via Dolphin for netplay, and here for info on Melee netplay.
As for controls, I recommend buying a GameCube controller USB adapter (the official Wii U one works, as do third-party equivalents of it such as the Mayflash adapters).


Embwace Twanquility
May 5, 2015
As Moydow said, Dolphin is the best bet. I also think the guys at Anthers would be willing to help out.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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