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Greetings, fellow Smashers!


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2015
It's nice to meet you. My name is Zark, I am brazilian, and I've played Melee ever since I was a kid. However, my passion for competitive play did not start until last year, when I went to a friend's house four states away and saw him wavedashing and L-canceling and generaling owning me with his Marth.

You see, I always loved Ganondorf. He was my main in every single Smash I ever played, his raw strength somehow just... spoke to me. But when this friend of mine said "Yeah, Ganon actually doesn't have a lot of options, you just gotta hope you have great mind games", I was demotivated. I felt down. I needed motivation. And that is when I saw a certain professional smasher: Bizzaro Flame. He just... stomped on the competition. See what I did there? hehe

Anyway, soon enough I went everywhere on the internetz, got myself a nice Project M on my Wii, and startet gittin gud with the Warlock. Even though Melee is what started my passion for Smash, Project M is what maintains it; when I started playing a game that felt like Melee but looked like Brawl, I just couldn't stop anymore. Also the fact that it lets me turn off the up to jump is so... nice.

I am saving up some cash to get myself a Wii U and, of course, Sm4sh. I will definitely main Ganondorf in that game, and continue to stomp on my adversaries, grab them by the neck, and plunder with them to our demise. Oh, and by the way, if anyone ever wants to play some Project M online with me, hit me up! ...As soon as I can fix my online. Again.

Nice to meet you all, and I hope I can improve my Ganondorf play. So long!

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
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EDIT: Made by @KMZ || WolfieXVII, @ Trieste SP Trieste SP and @Cyndane


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2015
good to meet you too. :) i'm a newcomer to smashboards as well. i mainly play smash 3ds. im broke for wii u lol. but anyway if you have 3ds, i would love to play you. i main kirby and mario.
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