Smash Rookie
Hello to the denizens of Smash Boards, rather new and inexperienced player here looking for some people to play and discuss Smash (particularly Melee) with. I just recently got into Melee over the last two after having played Smash 4 for some time and would very much appreciate having some friends to practice with via Dolphin netplay. I'm totally down for some Smash 4 or Project M as well. I've managed to connect to a friend of mine in California just fine and performed wavedashing and such fine on our latency (practically felt local).
I hope to make contribution to the boards here and make some friends. You can contact me by adding me on Steam or sharing Skype info here.
I hope to make contribution to the boards here and make some friends. You can contact me by adding me on Steam or sharing Skype info here.