Smash Rookie
Hey everyone the next GrandSmash is coming up. We are at the same location as we were last week.
Extra parking is available across the street at the church.
It's on the same road: Disabled American Veterans Chapter 66, 446 S Egg Harbor Rd, Hammonton, NJ 08037
(sometimes the GPS will mess this up, use the Atlantic County Library Hammonton Branch location in your GPS if needed, it is directly across the street.)
We would like to specify that this event his being held by the same exact people (On Tilt Gaming & Grandaire Booking) and food will still be provided by Grandsons. There will be a shortened food menu.
6pm Doors Open
7pm Smash 4
8pm Melee
$5 entry fee
$5 tournament fee
After the tournament has started there are NO REFUNDS
Cash Only
Smash 4 Singles South Jersey Rule set
General Rules
2 stock 6 minutes
Double Elimination
Customs off
Items off
No equipment
Mii fighters are allowed with 1111 and the mii must use the system mii fighters A-F
No Bad Manners (TOs have the right to disqualify someone for bad manners or purposeful distractions).
Sets are best 2 out of 3 except finals (winners finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals) will be best 3 out of 5 unless there are time constraints.
Stage Rules
Neutral stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Town and City, Smashville, and Lylat Cruise
*Omega Palutena's Temple can be used in place of Final Destination
Counter pick stages: Duck Hunt, Dreamland, Miiverse(banning battlefield bans Miiverse), and Omegas (banning FD also bans Omegas)
Dave's stupid rule is used (winners cannot pick a stage they have won on unless agreed on by both players).
Players can gentleman any stage. (this means both players must agree to play on a stage)
Stage selection and bans are chosen by rock paper scissors (RPS).
The winner of RPS begins by banning one neutral stage, the loser of RPS then bans 2 neutral stages and the winner bans one neutral stage and picks the remaining.
After the game is over the winner bans one stage out of the neutrals and counter picks then the loser of game one chooses the stage to be played on.
Character Changes
After the stage is chosen the winner of game one may change their character and then the loser of game one may change their character.
This process repeats for the following games.
If someone pauses the person that did not pause may tell the person who paused to lose a stock. This is at the player's discretion.
Melee rules
Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games
Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
Counter-pick stages: Pokemon Stadium.
Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
If you do not answer when your game is called within 5 minutes you will be disqualified unless you are playing in the other bracket
If people are playing friendly matches on tournament set ups they can get disqualified.
Can't make it? We will be recording many matches and they will be uploaded to our youtube within the week. Our youtube ishttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nW0lpuBZ08Y4FqZXhGExw
If we are able to stream the stream will be www.twitch.tv/ontilttv
The Facebook link is https://www.facebook.com/events/1554195201554412/
Extra parking is available across the street at the church.
It's on the same road: Disabled American Veterans Chapter 66, 446 S Egg Harbor Rd, Hammonton, NJ 08037
(sometimes the GPS will mess this up, use the Atlantic County Library Hammonton Branch location in your GPS if needed, it is directly across the street.)
We would like to specify that this event his being held by the same exact people (On Tilt Gaming & Grandaire Booking) and food will still be provided by Grandsons. There will be a shortened food menu.
6pm Doors Open
7pm Smash 4
8pm Melee
$5 entry fee
$5 tournament fee
After the tournament has started there are NO REFUNDS
Cash Only
Smash 4 Singles South Jersey Rule set
General Rules
2 stock 6 minutes
Double Elimination
Customs off
Items off
No equipment
Mii fighters are allowed with 1111 and the mii must use the system mii fighters A-F
No Bad Manners (TOs have the right to disqualify someone for bad manners or purposeful distractions).
Sets are best 2 out of 3 except finals (winners finals, Losers Finals, Grand Finals) will be best 3 out of 5 unless there are time constraints.
Stage Rules
Neutral stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Town and City, Smashville, and Lylat Cruise
*Omega Palutena's Temple can be used in place of Final Destination
Counter pick stages: Duck Hunt, Dreamland, Miiverse(banning battlefield bans Miiverse), and Omegas (banning FD also bans Omegas)
Dave's stupid rule is used (winners cannot pick a stage they have won on unless agreed on by both players).
Players can gentleman any stage. (this means both players must agree to play on a stage)
Stage selection and bans are chosen by rock paper scissors (RPS).
The winner of RPS begins by banning one neutral stage, the loser of RPS then bans 2 neutral stages and the winner bans one neutral stage and picks the remaining.
After the game is over the winner bans one stage out of the neutrals and counter picks then the loser of game one chooses the stage to be played on.
Character Changes
After the stage is chosen the winner of game one may change their character and then the loser of game one may change their character.
This process repeats for the following games.
If someone pauses the person that did not pause may tell the person who paused to lose a stock. This is at the player's discretion.
Melee rules
Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games
Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
Counter-pick stages: Pokemon Stadium.
Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
If you do not answer when your game is called within 5 minutes you will be disqualified unless you are playing in the other bracket
If people are playing friendly matches on tournament set ups they can get disqualified.
Can't make it? We will be recording many matches and they will be uploaded to our youtube within the week. Our youtube ishttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2nW0lpuBZ08Y4FqZXhGExw
If we are able to stream the stream will be www.twitch.tv/ontilttv
The Facebook link is https://www.facebook.com/events/1554195201554412/