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grade my kirby (more vids)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
South Texas
your kirby is very good. I like your use of tilts too. I did notice however that you have a hard time ko-ing opponents and that you didnt use his d-air or his u-air much :( And i also recommend not using his down b so much. Especially against zelda. Other than that you play a great kirby. 1-10 i give it a 7/10.

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
Not bad, you seem to know what you're doing. Neither of you really seemed to exploit each other's weaknesses though, Zelda didn;t really make good use of Din's fire untill the end. From what I saw you're good, I'd have to play you myself to give you better feedback though, lol I'm no good at judgeing without being able to compare it to something. :p

very nice though, keep it up. buff up your wall of pain though and don't get predictible with the B+Down, save that for surprise finishes.

Edit: you fight fire with fire a little to mcuh, constantly counterattacking. DK has wya more priority than Kirby. Lower the agressiveness and raise the um...tacticleness lol.

when your opponent is trying to recover and you're down there with him, you probably should shy away from recovering with final cutter unless you NEED to, as you saw, you accidently KOed from him edgehoging.

As said before though, you're really good, feel free to pm me sometime if you wanna ditto or just Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
What I would recommend to any player is to learn to powershield and running shield grab. And I guess don't use moves or tactics that you think good players won't get hit by even if the player you are fighting will get hit by it, because that is how you get into bad habits.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Hey i actually played against you your pretty good... just let up on the stone a bit... i know it was working on me but i was kinda getting crappy button input lag so i could airdodge/spotdodge like i wanted XD doesnt work as well in tournies/ in person matches though =/
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