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Goose Creek, SC.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Anyone play that's from anywhere around Charleston/Goose Creek? Better yet, any tournaments around? 'Fraid I live on the Nuke base, so I can't have them at my place, but I can go out on weekends if anyone would wanna play. I'm always looking for new people, plus I have a 3-day weekend from Nuke school, so that's good as well. :p Hit me up.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Well guys, there's only so far I'm allowed to travel away from base. So... it's kinda hard for me to get anywhere too far from Charleston. But hey, if you guys are ever in the area, text me or get to me on Yahoo!... My Phone: 843-834-0919. My Yahoo! screen name is phredryk_phox. So if you guys are in the area, let me know please. I'm not around during the week, considering I go to school like... 5:00am - 8:00pm. Sometimes I have to stay later, depending on whether or not we have PT after normal school hours. But I'll check my phone when I get home. I appreciate it guys, but like I say, just let me know if you're in the neighborhood on a weekend. And I won't stop you from coming around today, tomorrow, or Monday, just for the record. :p

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I can do any weekend but it's really up to Yay when he can get his *** over to Columbia. So whenever he's fine to go I can do it... with the exception of next weekend cause we'll be heading to North Carolina


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Hey whatever is most convenient for you guys. I'm just glad there's actually some competition. Back home in IL, there was essentially no one... it was horrible. But I've seen Everlasting's videos, and he plays a pretty all right Fox. I'm looking forward to it. I'd put up some of my own videos but I'm afraid with the lackluster skill people around here have, videos against them would do me NO justice whatsoever.

But yeah, hit me up sometime! I'm really looking forward to it now. Let me know a weekend and I'll get you guys a place to stay as well if ya need it. On the house, of course.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
thanks for the hospitality but we probably won't be a problem... I swear!

also, Spinjump is a smasher in Charleston, but I'm unsure if he plays at all anymore. He doesn't come on the boards at all, that's for sure.

Every video of me online is awful except in teams. It's been like this for some time but honestly I don't care anymore, SC will always be a lame state for Melee. Perhaps Brawl will turn things around.

So yeah as soon as Yay stops being retarted we'll figure out a plan and play XD

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
cause you never answer me when I talk about plans? I'm like "hey Yay let's do this"

reply : .....

but if I go
"so yay I like Fox"
you'll be like "YAH FOx IS AWSM"

and I will be all sad

PS am I picking you up at that Shoneys we got you from before?

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
What no I'm not. :(

I'm usually asleep when you IM me, then I come back and then I see this, "Rage of Kira signed off at 6:08:12 PM. "


And I think so. >_>


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina
It's been a while since I've been on the boards. A month since I was out of the country...

Anyways, the only good Smashers I know that are in Charleston, now, are Spin Jump and Gerudos. I am only in Charleson during the summer or winter breaks. Other than that I'm at Clemson for college.

Spin Jump actually moved to Goose Creek so you should be really close to him. He still "wants" to play but with real competition I am the only real competition he has. He's hard to contact even for me. Then again I was able to get in touch with him because he literally use to live next door to me. He said he should be on AIM more, but...eh.

Gerudos is more so a casual player, but he's surprising good. He's originally from Texas and played with a hardcore group which made him good.

I have Clemson peeps to play with and Kidd in Greenville to play with to keep up with my skillz. I hate for the Charleston smashers to lose interest in Smash. I'll give them both a call every once in a while until I get in touch with and give them your number. I know they both may be a bit rusty. Also be on the look out for my call during the summer. I'll give you a ring sooner or later so you know it's me.

Good luck looking for other smashers.

NOTE TO TRC and YAY: I look forward in playing you guys. I'm hoping Kidd will have a get together in Greenville somewhere. Maybe you guys can make it up there one day. Or perhaps we can all car pool to some tournaments in GA or NC. You know, add to what little SC Smash rep we have...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
NC? Hum... Where at in NC? My Suite mate used to live there before he joined the Navy. So yeah like I say, I don't have anywhere we can play off base, because I live in a part of base wherein NLC is required to enter.

But in Charleston... a decent number of people that play are from there, correct? I live right next to it, not even 20 minutes away. I'd love to hear from someone that plays there. It'd be nice to have someone new to smash with. Civilians can't come here but I can leave on weekends... I'm on 25-4's this week, so that's a lot of hours to put in during weekdays. But outside of that, I'll be more than happy to go off base to play.

And Yay, you guys gotta call me or somethin', to let me know how it goes in NC. Hope ya do well, and I look forward to seeing s'more videos. :p

Thanks again guys, and I won't be able to play for the next couple weeks... I have 14 days of Digital Microprocessing starting Monday.... Which means my weekends are packed as well, with extra instruction and whatnot. But in 3 weeks I'll be good, as long as I don't fail the crap out of DMP...

But yeah, you guys take it easy, and stay in touch. I put my number up for a reason lol. Good luck to everyone competing in the NC tourney.
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