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Good Bye Sonic.

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Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Last night I took the information in the impressions thread and applied the most of the rest of it to my game. I got the tilts down ok,still need to work on them. Also I think I discoverd a situational spike. I've only tried it against lvl9 cpus on FD(it might work on other similar stages) but i'm able to do it pretty consistently. When your oponent is completly below stage level,bair him into the wall under the ledge above 60%(not 100%sure on that). Instant Spike! I've done it 5 times in 1 and ahalf hours(it's situational) Three times over several matches and twice in one match.

If it's old news just ignore.

The real reason I'm writing this today is because,sadly,Sonic,the only character I have used since Brawl's release,my favorite videogame character of all time that I've stuck with since Sonic3: IS NOT PLAYABLE ONLINE. I have only one friend who I don't see to often that is OK at the game. And the only tournament around is 2 hours away and $20 for admission and singles entry.

The game won't even register the quick imputs neccessary to play a good Sonic game because of the lag. The funny thing is,lag absolutly ruins my Sonic game but against the same person same connection it isn't even noticeable with Kirby(and I did pretty well for not knowing his moveset). I had to resort to a character I hadn't used since the 64.:( This is rediculous,but Nintendo isn't going to fix it. So Sonic is going on the back burner and I'm going to look for another character to use,at least for online. :ohwell:

I haven't played any of the BRAWL characters at all except for Sheik who's Brawl version is nothing compared to Melee. So maybe some of you guys who also main Sonic can point me in the direction I should go.

I'm not totally giving up on Sonic,I won't let my skills with him get too rusty but there's no one to play offline....

Goodbye Sonic. It's been fast. It's been fun,but it's time to move on.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
Guess who doesn't care?

If you guessed Smashboards. You are right.

Seriously. Why do people feel the need to post topics like this?

I'm giving X character up, Who should I main?, NEW TACTIC FOUND!

I don't want to be rude but there should just be a topic where people complain about a character being too hard and not playing them. Then we wouldn't need a new topic every 3 days.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Haha your right but the spike is still valid if it's new info XD

I want your fc. We'll see what your Online Sonic can do. Mark the calender for next Monday. I'll have enough experience by then with whoever I'm going to use online to Kick your @$$.
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