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Going bananas for bananas?

King GeGeGe

Smash Rookie
Apr 20, 2008
england jeh
How much do you all use bananas? do use 1 at a time, or 2 when possible? etc. etc.

Personally I love bananas and can't get enough of them. They cause so much hilarity :)


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2008
The Netherlands
I usually have 1 banana out and when I get the chance I pull out my second, I always try to have a banana when I'm approaching. You should always have bananas out I think..


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
I usually go one banana cause its easier to keep track of one
Plus I like using the second one for edgeguarding (banana pull facing away from ledge to peunut guns/runoff Fairs ^_^)
But when I feel I can handle it/I have a big lead I pull out the second one and go crazy ;)
Examples of characaters I feel comfortable doing this against are big characters(DDD, Ganon and Bowser)/ characters who move a lot on the ground(Snake, sonic, and diddys)


Smash Rookie
Mar 1, 2009
i usually have 1 becuse its easy to control. but i agree with bellioes about using 2 bananas against big charcters because it stops them in their tracks


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2009
The Jungle
I always have 2 Bananas but, I keep them close and glide toss frequently to get more approachable attack


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Diddy seems to have so much variety, I don't even know. Some matches I go crazy and have two naners out the entire match (although that's rare) and some matches I only pull out a naner once (more likely).

As a very rough estimate, half the time I have a naner out and half the time I don't. But it really depends on the stage. On a stage like Yoshi's Island, I don't feel comfortable at all with naners. On FD, I usually at least have one, sometimes two. On Battlefield, I'm fine without them or with only one, but I'll never have two.

Also depends on the character. I obviously don't naner spacies as much as I do Boozer.

I usually hate having two naners out for long periods of time. Maybe once a match there'll be a 10 second burst where I go crazy with two, but if I leave two naners consistently on the stage, I don't focus as much; my mind steers away from "how is my opponent reacting and what's my best approach and what should I watch out for," to "LOL THROW NANERZZZ THROW NANERZZZZZZ."

Diddy's got a pretty solid game without naners anyway. I rarely start a match plucking up a banana...I usually don't even use them until halfway through my first stock--his dash attack setups are too good. After the easy early 40% or so is when I pluck out a naner and make my approaches easier. Makes for some nice, flashy, and often overly-flashy setups too like glide toss to dtilt, glide toss to dsmash for a kill, near the edge a single naner lock but instead of using dair to recatch the naner I use fair (gotta thank counteh for that idea) etc.

tl;dr: I usually go with one naner out at once, but I'm perfectly fine without any if I have an opponent who actually picks them up and glide tosses back, lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah I have the same problem. When I pull out the second banana, I sortve go into autopilot mode and people tell me its never okay to play on autopilot.
But Im also gonna start pulling out the second banana before approaching the characters that can CG (DDD and Falco) so it lands and behind me. Then if they start CGing, they trip or have to throw me before they reach the edge allowing me to avoid both of their awesome edgeguarding skills. Thanks to the thread on DDD for the idea ^_^


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
i use my 2nd banana for mindgames and combos if opponents fall for my devious strategy and tricks =3. otherwise having a single banana just to maintain control of where u and ur opponent are limited. its great having that feeling of control. but seriously mix it up. best solution. have both single and double or none at all o-o *** their heads man.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
MAAAAANNN if u practices it enough u can play 2 bannanas out anywhere i tend ti keep this many out as much as possible because more nanerz more options IMO unless they keep touchin them then i go to one until i get momentum this way i can combo some more

remember more momentum more havok with diddy

EDIT: also on stages that limit naner usage u can do fine with or without but in these cases i just go one or none


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
The more bananas the better.

Good rule of thumb.

Steal other people's bananas too. 4 > 2
LOL yeah the more the merrier ;)
But I still dont like using 2 bananas against certain characters
The spacies for example. Its easy for them to reflect at least one of the bananas back at me and Fox actually has a good glidetoss length (not to far, not to short) meaning if they know how to hande them, they can combo me with the banana too.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
better to just use the enemies bananas because think about it. why bother pulling ur bananas if u can just get ur opponents and then he cant pull anymore bananas out. HA he got fukd see. he cant hav his nanas NOR can pull any out. its a win win really. play defensively with peoples nanas tho. dnt want other diddys takin ur **** o.o FUKING CRAZEH
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