Banned via Administration
Rules: Random Everythng
Characters: Random Everything
Counterpicks: Random Everything
Time of Tournament and Place: Gltich's House, Now, and Everything
Everything thats allowed is allowed, everything that's banned is banned.
Woo! (Glitch)
Winner of tournament gets the last Oatmeal cookie in Glitch's house.
There are four participants:
D1, NL, Leo, and Glitch.
Tournament will be played by pools rules.
Wins only counted, not losses.
"Oh My Gaddd!!! (Leo aka Basic Sausage aka Chippus aka my Bday passed this week)
Everything! ^_^
"This is Glitch and I approve this message." (Glitch-Mew2)
Characters: Random Everything
Counterpicks: Random Everything
Time of Tournament and Place: Gltich's House, Now, and Everything
Everything thats allowed is allowed, everything that's banned is banned.
Woo! (Glitch)
Winner of tournament gets the last Oatmeal cookie in Glitch's house.
There are four participants:
D1, NL, Leo, and Glitch.
Tournament will be played by pools rules.
Wins only counted, not losses.
"Oh My Gaddd!!! (Leo aka Basic Sausage aka Chippus aka my Bday passed this week)
Everything! ^_^
"This is Glitch and I approve this message." (Glitch-Mew2)