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Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I want this public. Mods, if you move this, move it somewhere public.

Look, I know we have been through this time and time again. But no one has actually heard my side of the story behind the incident that finally got Mango banned.

First of all, there is not a single mod on this site (with the exception of Peepee) that completely understands the pressure associated with being widely regarded as the best player in the world. Everyone here is human, and when people make statements about such an individual as if they are true (when in fact the point being made is very controversial), many people feel the need to respond to these statements, and some do so promptly and passionately, before considering the consequences. It happens all the time. Now imagine that you, yourself have tried for years to become the best at your favorite game, and at last you have repeatedly defeated the world's most notoriously deadly opponents and accomplished your goal. Then for over a year you continue to practice diligently and go on to overcome all obstacles in your path.

When you rarely lose any matches, people tend to talk about those losses, merely because of how rarely they occur. When people repeatedly (and may is stress the word repeatedly) attempt to draw conclusions from these very few losses, and you witness people (regardless of their skill level) believe these "conclusions" it can get to you at some point. And when you are under the pressure that mango once was, you may be willing to say "**** it, I'm saying what's on my mind" while at the time, not thinking about the consequences of your actions.

Am I condoning his actions on this forum? Not at all.

Do I realize that running this site properly is entirely separate from understanding what is important for the community which it represents? Yes. BUT, should the two be 100% exclusive?

Here's what happened. I was the only moderator of the ganon boards soon after the time where kage defeated mango in the epic tournament sets everyone remembers. During that time, kage received an incredible amount of praise and recognition; some which he deserved, and some not. Myself, along with many others have maintained the unbiased opinion that Linguini was and still is the best Ganon main in the world. At one point after taking earfuls of misguided (no offense to kage, he outplayed mango in those sets and deserved to win) kage praise, I stated that linguini has also beaten mango, although in friendlies. I was not trying to say that linguini is in any way BETTER than mango, although many took it as such. When I used mango's name, I mispelled it purposely so that it would not be picked up under name search; not because I was ashamed of what I had stated, I just wanted to avoid drama. Later, another ganon player started that linguini had ***** mango, and when questioned, he said "Ace said it! Be mad at him!" or something lol. I then went on to say, "seriously, those 2 guys basically hate each other, they wouldn't sandbag" or some ish. Then the ganon boards got completely bombarded by hate, etc.

I gave mango 2 infractions, which he deserved at the time. This did not result in a ban. He continued to flame under alt accounts until virginitis banned him.

I thoroughly realize that rules are rules, but can we please take into account the fact that literally only A HANDFUL of users at that time frequented the ganon boards, so hardly anyone witnessed this flaming/censor dodging? That fact is actually one of the smaller reasons as to why I am making this thread: no one knows what happened. The bigger reason is to help this community.

We the melee players of SWF love this game to no end. We wasn't to see it live and thrive amongst the newer, more popular, yet (to us) obviously inferior games. Unbanning Mango would help this cause. Viewers of his posts learn about melee on a regular basis. Come on, staff of SWF, you demodded me for bull**** reasons (not to be debated here). I never want to be a mod again but I feel as if you owe me enough to at least hear me our on this one, especially since I am an indirect reason as to why he got banned and you have never heard the full story until now.

I will most likely not respond to people cherry picking quotes from this post out of context, so don't bother. Please post here if you support that's post or would like to see MaNg0 given another chance, even if he gets 5 permanent points.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
>He said virginitis


You have my support. Besides, I just met Mango. We shared some drinks, words, and what have you. Cool dude.

Come on folks!


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
if you ban mango without meeting him in person

you ****ed up

Unban Replicate too for having speaking up against MetalSmileReflect and unmod stupid *** ****ing metalsmilereflect for not stepping up his role as a mod and go get other mods to infract other people so he doesn't look like a douche



Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
So to give a heads up on why the staff is so intent against the unbanning of Mango.

We received a very similar request to this with very similar reasoning for the unbanning of Mango.

As the staff we considered the idea and even decided to reach out to Mango and ask him about returning to SWF through a different chat medium.

He completely rejected any form of negotiation and pretty much told us to leave him the **** alone.

So to answer your questions:

Mango isn't coming back to the boards, we reached out to him about his return to the boards.

Mango responds with a **** you and leave me alone.

He doesn't want to come back on the boards. Or at least thats what he shows.
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