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Give a Veteran Character a New/Revamped Moveset


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2010
I have seen many people think up movesets for potential newcomers, but I don't think I have seen any moveset changes or revamps for veterans. Well, not for veterans fans think deserve more.

If you could, what kind of new moveset would you give to an already playable fighter?

Me personally, I would have given Ness a moveset that was true to his character in his source game.

Standard B: PK Rockin: Alpha
Same animation as PK Flash, but looks more closely to Rockin. Fully charged, it becomes PK Rockin: Beta.

Forward B: PSI Hypnosis
Ness unleashes a wave of psi energy that, if it connects, will put his foes to sleep. A better Sing, IMO

Upward B: PSI Teleport
Ness will run in motion, build up speed, and dash to am instant portal. Where the portal reappears to depends on the player's direction.

Downward B: Status Buff
Ness will go into a position where he buffs either his offense, defense, or speed.

Final Smash: PK Rockin: OMEGA
...I'm not really sure how to explain this one. Slightly different from PK Starstorm

And he's not the only one. I still have wishes for many others.

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