Smash Cadet
So last weekend, my grillfriend wanted to come over. I wasn't going to be that basic guy that suggests "netflix and chill" so I asked if she wanted to play Smash with me. She called me a nerd but decided to come over anyway because it was either Smash or be bored and alone. As she comes over, I load up my wiiU and we are on the character select screen. My gf labels her name as "prego". I ask her why she chose that. She says, "It's a secret I've been hiding from you, but I am prego." I was shocked. How long have I not known about this? I tell her that I need a moment to myself for a second. I come to my kitchen and I look for some popcorn, as it's what I always eat when I'm stressed, but there was no popcorn. In fact, right as I opened my cabinet, a bunch of spaghetti rushed out the cabinet. I run and check my fridge, spaghetti rushed out that too. My entire kitchen floor is covered in spaghetti. My girlfriend walks in to check on the commotion but she trips and falls on the spaghetti and she spills tomato sauce everywhere. I quickly rush over to check up on her, but she is just an empty jar now. It was devastating... there was only one thing left to do. I grabbed a fork and had the best spaghetti in my entire life. This is my sad story of trying to get my gf to play Smash with me. Pls no copy pasterino.