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Getting better at smash (3ds)


Smash Rookie
Dec 14, 2015
Yes I know 3ds is not a platform for competitive play by any means but as a college guy, its all I can afford right now. Anyway, everyone says that you have to play online to get better (which is true) but I don't see any chances of me getting better when every for glory match consists of people who are obviously more experienced at competitive play than me and also spam the same combo over and over. I keep getting frustrated with this game. I have years of SSBM experience so I do know stuff about smash in general but I stopped playing ssbm years ago too. I would appreciate helpful feedback because I want to enjoy smash; it wasn't easy to get for me and I don't want to hate this game either.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2015
"Anyway, everyone says that you have to play online to get better (which is true)"

No, it is not, at least for For Glory. You're better of with playing against and with people whose friend-codes you have and who are either on your level or who are better and willing to give you advise. You may also attend some group dedicated to improving gameplay, either online or in real life, though it might be tougher to do so with the 3DS. And since someone will point it out anyway: Consider joing Anther's Ladder for some sort of match making and the possibility to chat about your matches. It's a viable starting point for playing on the 3DS.

Another option is reconsidering the necessity of "getting better" and thinking about what you actually want to accomplish by improving your playing.


Smash Rookie
Dec 15, 2015
Men I´m in the same situation as you, I own a 3DS and sadly, don´t have ANY friends to play and practice competitively and also live pretty far away from the pro player here in my country, thats why I am in Smashboards, I wanna find people to play and become a better player, but is pretty difficult as a 3DS owner . I tried to learn over pro matches and tutorial videos, but thats isn´t enough, we HAVE to find people to practice, play and grow together, if not we´re stuck.


Smash Cadet
Apr 7, 2015
Same, I don't really have much time for Smash but when I do I just go on smash boards and see who able to play. I 'm able to play smash on both Wii u and 3ds so I'm a lite fortunate than others. I do plan to get competitive but I can see why dedication is a key factor.
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