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Genesis flights sponsored by Government, and other stuff.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
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Hardly a threat to the projected attendance of Clash of the Titans 4 this weekend coming, in my part of the world I'm running a two day event in partnership with an appropriately titled Lan group called 'LanSmash'.

First day is Brawl, second day is Melee. Your standard fare for Smash competition. It's meant to be the first of many this year for Queensland smash, with an even balance of events catering for players of both Melee and Brawl.

It's like 3 days away, and I still need to figure out how Pools will run exactly, seems like something I'd usually have sorted out a long time in advance.

Instead it seems like I've spent the majority of my time in the lead up to this worrying about housing for people. It can be quite frustrating when a lot of the core scene smashers don't check smashboards often, or even give any indication that they are following recent happenings or events. Of course it's unrealistic for me to expect as much either. But seriously, it gets annoying.

Though in the end it's the responsibility of the players that are travelling to secure housing before buying a plane ticket, it's also my responsibility as a Tournament Organizer to ensure maximum turn out to anything I organise, meaning that I'll do everything I can to put people in touch with players that can house out of staters.

It's a wonder sometimes. I can't imagine how there are TO's the world over that do the same thing I do, worry, and plan, and type endless amounts of text to get information across to people.

Maybe they don't? Maybe in places like America, if somebody or another needs housing the TO let's them sort it for themselves, rather than stressing themselves over it since there'll always be more smashers to take their place. Or maybe it's just that in America, the scene is so strong that it can support itself in this way naturally.

I live in a place where I can't afford to do that. I live in a place that can call itself smash central of Queensland, but is also a place where every single smasher counts. Where if even one person leaves the scene, it can be detrimental, but is also invigorated by the addition of even one more player.

I want to see tournaments in a setting completely different to my own. I really want to go to Genesis in July. I wanna see my child hood heroes (As I've labelled them, as they are nothing but) in the flesh. Australia, like America, is suffering financial turmoil.

As a part of a stimulus package being deployed by the Rudd government, I'm meant to be receiving a $950 hand out to help 'stimulate' the economy.

Despite everything, I'm looking forward to finally seeing through this tournament this weekend. The first big one of the year. I've recently been playing some Falco, and I might try him out.

Uwah, not much else to say. Hopefully I'll get videos up. I'm supposed to be Money Matching Shaya's Marth, so, I better watch some Diddy v Marth. I'll definitely be recording it when it happens.
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