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General thoughts on 3.5 to 3.6 (and thoughts on 3.6 onward)

Shane Lee Shin

Smash Apprentice
Mar 31, 2014
I often think about what makes PM great, where it needs improvement, and overall, how the hell can I even help. I'm not a heavy competitive player... Shortly, I actually suck, but I can at least provide thoughts on the artistic aspect.

What excites me in 3.6 (from 3.5)?

-The recolors for Mr. L, Charizard, Samuses new and updated costumes (both for ZSS and regular Samus), replacing DKs white costume for Super DK (hellz yes!), the tons of updated cosmetics to multiple characters. Generally, everything visually new is just amazing. Costumes seem clean and I haven't found anything to bother me yet (at least in game :p) :)
-New sound effects, Namely, some of the new shock sounds stand out, Mewtwo's new shadowball sfx (yes!), Mewtwo and Roy sharing a .sawnd file with Lucario and Marth, respectively, instead of replacing sounds from bosses (as a sound geek, this excites me). Bowser's claw sounds pretty cool.
-New stages, I love Peach's Castle, I like seeing the extra options like Spear pillar, Jungle Japes, Battlefield from melee, to name a few. The idea that I could potentially add my own stages is extremely exciting for me.
-The realization that we now have 4 new or modified special modes, like Turbo, All-Star, Stamina, and Regen. The fact that Training mode will let me go 2 times faster (something I honestly hated about Brawl's Training mode).
-New Music! (Results screen! Metal Cavern! Bowser's Castle!)

What bugs me in 3.6?

-Why is Tourney still open if we can't use it?
-The fact that Project M still uses Brawl's CSPs, BPs, and other assets. I feel like Project M is a mod that deserves it's own artistic flavor.
-Project M's menu is still just Brawl's menu with pretty colors and pictures. Like the above, Project M deserves it's own flavor here too
-Why does Lucas not shout PK freeze when doing side B? I understand why his neutral B remains quiet but his side B feels really empty. I know that I could do my own mod to it, editing and adding the voice in on my own, but I feel as if this is more important to come from the PMDT themselves rather than a random fan. I can offer my work, but that's up to y'all.
-The announcer isn't powerful enough. He can do it, I can hear it in some of his calls, but he needs to have a powerful affect all around, not just a few of the characters.

What I dream for (but do not believe is necessary)
-Project M to have it's own save data. Mostly so I can see records for Mewtwo, get trophies for him, etc. Of course this isn't a necessity, it would be a lot of ugly work
-Tourney mode to have full functionality. It's not an important mode but it relieves boredom.
-Dry Bowser Recolors!!!!
-Fox, Falco, Link, and Ganondorf having Melee voices for their respective Melee costumes (I can handle downloading it directly from Amazeromu (?) though :p), and maybe trading a brawl costume from Fox, Falco, and Link for a melee costume, so I can haz 50/50.
-New Dr. Mario pill SFX?
-More new collision sfx? (Brawl's sfx is rather... boring).
-Perhaps extra add-ons from the PMDT themselves (aside from Wi-Fi).

As an artist (not a successful one, but at least a sorta existant one), I feel like thoughts and feedback are important for me to find ways to improve. I'm not offering any of this info to upset anyone, but rather give the PMDT or even the fans something to think about. As a fan, these are the things I think about when I critique Project M as a mod. Of course, I have a ton of love for project M (otherwise I wouldn't think about this to begin with). I definitely pick up Project M over Brawl any day. I hope some of these thoughts help.
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