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Gen 2 RMT - Breaking some of da rulez


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
So recently I've been getting into gen 2 battling, and I'm telling you it sucks to feel like a complete scrub again. I rarely win any of my battles(I think I've won once out of maybe 20), though that may be in part because I'm just screwing around with teams and playstyles. I'm just trying to figure out what works.

Notice with this team that I'm playing an unusual offensive style for this gen: in actuality, the metagame has been getting more and more offensive as time has gone on. That's rule # 1 that I'm breaking.

Rule #2... it's not really complete, but I'm going to just put in filler moves until I get better suggestions. Till then, enjoy. =)

@ Leftovers
Mean Look
Perish Song

Yes, I'm starting off with a Perish-Trapper. This does a good job at gaining offensive momentum and forcing my opponent's hand from the game, either forcing them to go to a phazer or some weird Curse/ SD + Explosion/Selfdestruct pokemon. Even in the case of the latter, they are still down a pokemon and I just bring this in again. Also presents a win condition towards the end of the game, as well as an explosion immunity and rapid spin blocker.

For those who don't understand how this works, you Mean Look into Perish Song any pokemon. The usual phazers like Skarmory/ Suicune lose a chunk to Thunder(they don't lose enough to Thunderbolt, apparently), while Protect attempts to stall for two turns as the opponent hopefully dies.

I'm not really sure if it has a place on this team, but I feel like it has enough good reasoning behind it to be placed here.

@ Leftovers
Explosion/ Rapid Spin

Something that feels super useful and useless at the same time. His signature move, Spikes, is incredibly useful for limiting my opponent's switching and wearing down on the opposing team. On the other hand, Cloyster is crap. He doesn't seem to serve the team a purpose other than to set up Spikes, and yet he can't die because he keeps a few things at bay(even if he does suck at coming in on them continuously.

So I've officially decided that I like Toxic on Cloyster because, if anything, it helps to wear down on Starmie. On the other hand, I still haven't made up my mind between Explosion / Rapid Spin. Explosion is always cool, but Rapid Spin might be more useful considering nothing of mine is airborn, leaving me vulnerable to spikes.

@ Leftovers
Hidden Power [Water]

I find it weird how Raikou was used before it was given Calm Mind. Anyway, with Spikes up this becomes a huge menace to any team, threatening to KO something with Thunder and instead just Roaring around the entire team, revealing members and increasing Spikes damage. HP Water(not banned anymore, fyi) hits the ground types that give him trouble(except Quagsire), while Rest is there to bring back lost HP. Thunder > Thunderbolt because apparently hitting Zapdos is important... testing it, anyway.

There is no debating this pokemon. He is THAT awesome. Though Rest rarely gets used... probably my fault, lol.

@ Leftovers
Explosion/ Body Slam

Another really cool pokemon, Steelix doesn't budge against even the mightiest of pokemon. Unlike in later versions, Roar actually succeeds when you attack last, meaning not even phazers really stop this set. Roar around the team like your Raikou, and Curse when you know you can. Explode on something important, and Earthquake for everything else. I'm testing Body Slam to see if hitting Zapdos is worth it, as well as spreading paralysis.

@ Leftovers
Explosion/ Leech Seed
Giga Drain/ Hidden Power [Fire]
Sleep Powder

And guess what, another exploder. How I love thee. <3

Sleeps something and then stalls around/ explodes, depending on the set.

@ Leftovers
Baton Pass
Mean Look
Moonlight/ Rest

I decided to actually ditch Snorlax as a late-game sweeper for a more reliable counter to a certain amount of mixed sweepers I've been coming across... ****ing Nidoking.

Anyway, Baton Pass + Mean Look + Spikes is too deadly; I have a layer of Spikes, constantly threaten to Mean Look if they don't bring a phazer in, and seeing as the best phazers are all Steelix/ Skarmory/ Raikou, I have a proper response to them all. Moonlight for recovery purposes, and maybe Rest if I'm finding that status is occurring too often to it... maybe.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Not very fond of this gen outside of Ubers.

What do you do when someone sends out a Heracross?


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
EQ from it hits Misdreavus between 36 and 42%, and with potential Spikes this goes up to 48 to 54%, but is regarded as 42-48% overall for a 2HKO on misdreavus. So ~ a 3HKO overall on what would be my best "counter" for it.

It can't really come in on Exeggutor, Steelix after a Curse, Raikou, or most of Snorlax's moves because it lacks a good fighting STAB outside of dedicating a moveslot to HP fighting.

Deleted member

you team is WAYYYY too offensive for gen 2. move cloyster to the lead w/ RS and explosion. put hypnosis over thunder on misdreavus. run standard curselax, it works well with misdreavus. even then heracross wrecks more of your tam than you'd like.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
SleepTrapping is a nono in GSC, so I can't really do the Misdreavus suggestion. And I like Misdreavus leading it off because I haven't been in a situation where it wasn't terribly helpful. A lead tar with Pursuit is going to kill me, though...

I'm about to test RS over Toxic. Toxic has been relatively useless(except for forcing other Cloyster out LOL), and Spikes are proving to be a big issue.

Edit: well RS and explosion is a no-go on cloyster. Toxic stays, I guess....


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Don't Heracrosses use the Curse set?

Btw Mow, Hypnosis is banned with perishtrapping.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
If heracross is cursing, hope to god that it doesn't have HP fighting.


Actually, I have Exeggutor to help against Cursing ones. I still have to play really careful...

Deleted member

Btw Mow, Hypnosis is banned with perishtrapping.
by weenies maybe. play to win IMO. anyone playing misdreavus only has intent to *** you to death, so reducing the ***ging is only self-hindering.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
good news: I've been winning more battles than ever since I've started using this team, which I had created through initial impulses of what "might" work together and through practice to understand how I use the members.

If I had to rank members on performance, I would probably go something like-

1. Raikou - With Spikes down, truly fearsome and my ability to read opposing players really comes in handy. So ****ing awesome.

2. Snorlax - Double-freaking-edge! Holy ****, Explosion is so useful for removing the few key pokemon that stand in the way to this things success(Skarmory has to deal with a combination of Cloyster + Raikou).

3. Cloyster - He gets Spikes up and is dealing damage around with Surf. Considering something like Ice Beam/ Surf/ Explosion/ Spikes, because I find myself rarely using Toxic(only really useful on switches I know are coming, it feels like). Also Ice Beam on opposing Cloysters are annoying me, so yeah. =3

4. Misdreavus - It's not that she's doing bad. On the contrary, she does her job extra well by forcing out the opposing phazer and stuff. Gives me a good idea if they run Steelix / Tyranitar, Zapdos/ Raikou, Skarmory/ Suicune.

5. Steelix - It started out awesome, but as time goes on I'm finding it only useful for just luring out other Cloyster so I can bring in Raikou. >_> I think one issue with this is that I have Raikou already as a good phazer that takes on Misdreavus/ Zapdos/ other Raikou or whatever. Probably the most replaceable slot, and most likely gonna try Skarmory in there soon. Makes me sad. ='[

6. Exeggutor - It puts something to sleep and then is useless. Hopefully I explode on something good... if I get the chance. It's slower than Skarmory for cripes sakes, not really helping me a lot at all. =/

Anyway, I'm going to try:

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Drill Peck

Over Steelix for a bit. Hopefully Exeggutor + Raikou can hold down electrics enough for the team, and even if that is the case I always have Snorlax.

Edit: Also wanted to say that this helps with my Heracross + Machamp weakness, as they have only very recently proven to be a problem.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
if I could get netbattle running I would make a team as well and try to learn the metagame too, but I keep getting an error upon running it. Clearly the source isn't the problem, since you're using it and playing with it, but I can't figure out how to fix the runtime error my computer is giving me.

tried using wine on my mac (some unknown problem with that), tried installing in windows 7 (some subscript error), but idk how to fix that.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
here's why I love Steelix. <3

Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Gold/Silver/Crystal
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Evasion Clause
Consumptus vs Articanus. Begin!
Consumptus sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Articanus sent out Misdreavus (Lv.100 Misdreavus)!

Begin Turn #1
Consumptus withdrew Snorlax!
Consumptus sent out Steelix (Lv.100 Steelix)!
Misdreavus used Mean Look!
Steelix can't escape now!
End of turn #1
Consumptus's Steelix: 100% HP
Articanus's Misdreavus: 323 HP

Begin Turn #2
Misdreavus used Perish Song!
All affected Pokémon will faint in 3 turns!
Steelix used Roar!
Misdreavus fled from battle!
Cloyster (Lv.100 Cloyster) was dragged out!
Steelix's Perish count fell to 3!
End of turn #2
Consumptus's Steelix: 100% HP
Articanus's Cloyster: 303 HP

Begin Turn #3
Consumptus withdrew Steelix!
Consumptus sent out Machamp (Lv.100 Machamp)!
Cloyster used Toxic!
Machamp was badly poisoned!
End of turn #3
Consumptus's Machamp: 100% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Cloyster: 303 HP

Begin Turn #4
Cloyster used Spikes!
Consumptus's team had Spikes scattered around it!
Machamp used Cross Chop!
(172 damage)
It's super effective!
Machamp is hurt by poison!
Cloyster's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Machamp's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #4
Consumptus's Machamp: 100% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Cloyster: 150 HP

Begin Turn #5
Consumptus withdrew Machamp!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Articanus withdrew Cloyster!
Articanus sent out Exeggutor (Lv.100 Exeggutor)!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #5
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 94% HP
Articanus's Exeggutor: 393 HP

Begin Turn #6
Consumptus withdrew Tyranitar!
Consumptus sent out Espeon (Lv.100 Espeon)!
Espeon is hurt by Spikes!
Exeggutor used Sleep Powder!
Exeggutor's attack missed!
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #6
Consumptus's Espeon: 94% HP
Articanus's Exeggutor: 393 HP

Begin Turn #7
Espeon used Growth!
Espeon's Special Attack rose!
Exeggutor used Sleep Powder!
Espeon fell asleep!
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #7
Consumptus's Espeon: 100% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Exeggutor: 393 HP

Begin Turn #8
Articanus withdrew Exeggutor!
Articanus sent out Steelix (Lv.100 Steelix)!
Espeon is fast asleep.
End of turn #8
Consumptus's Espeon: 100% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 353 HP

Begin Turn #9
Consumptus withdrew Espeon!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Machamp (Lv.100 Machamp) was dragged out!
Machamp is hurt by Spikes!
Machamp is hurt by poison!
Machamp's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #9
Consumptus's Machamp: 81% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Steelix: 353 HP

Begin Turn #10
Articanus withdrew Steelix!
Articanus sent out Exeggutor (Lv.100 Exeggutor)!
Machamp used Hidden Power!
(151 damage)
It's super effective!
Machamp is hurt by poison!
Exeggutor's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Machamp's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #10
Consumptus's Machamp: 75% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Exeggutor: 267 HP

Begin Turn #11
Consumptus withdrew Machamp!
Consumptus sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Exeggutor used Giga Drain!
(30% damage)
A critical hit!
Snorlax had its energy drained!
Exeggutor's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #11
Consumptus's Snorlax: 64% HP
Articanus's Exeggutor: 370 HP

Begin Turn #12
Exeggutor used Giga Drain!
(15% damage)
Snorlax had its energy drained!
Snorlax used Lovely Kiss!
Exeggutor fell asleep!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #12
Consumptus's Snorlax: 55% HP
Articanus's Exeggutor: 393 HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #13
Consumptus withdrew Snorlax!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Articanus withdrew Exeggutor!
Articanus sent out Misdreavus (Lv.100 Misdreavus)!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #13
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 88% HP
Articanus's Misdreavus: 323 HP

Begin Turn #14
Tyranitar used Pursuit!
(228 damage)
It's super effective!
Articanus withdrew Misdreavus!
Articanus sent out Steelix (Lv.100 Steelix)!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #14
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 94% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 353 HP

Begin Turn #15
Consumptus withdrew Tyranitar!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Curse!
Steelix's Attack rose!
Steelix's Defense rose!
Steelix's Speed fell!
End of turn #15
Consumptus's Zapdos: 100% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 353 HP

Begin Turn #16
Zapdos used Hidden Power!
(82 damage)
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar) was dragged out!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #16
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 88% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 293 HP

Begin Turn #17
Consumptus withdrew Tyranitar!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #17
Consumptus's Snorlax: 49% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 315 HP

Begin Turn #18
Snorlax used Rest!
Snorlax went to sleep!
Steelix used Roar!
Snorlax fled from battle!
Steelix (Lv.100 Steelix) was dragged out!
Steelix is hurt by Spikes!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #18
Consumptus's Steelix: 94% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 337 HP

Begin Turn #19
Steelix used Earthquake!
(90 damage)
It's super effective!
Steelix used Earthquake!
(93% damage)
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
Steelix fainted!
Consumptus sent out Machamp (Lv.100 Machamp)!
Machamp is hurt by Spikes!
Machamp's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #19
Consumptus's Machamp: 69% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Steelix: 269 HP

Begin Turn #20
Machamp used Cross Chop!
(124 damage)
It's super effective!
Machamp is hurt by poison!
Steelix used Earthquake!
(53% damage)
Machamp's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #20
Consumptus's Machamp: 10% HP (Psn)
Articanus's Steelix: 167 HP

Begin Turn #21
Articanus withdrew Steelix!
Articanus sent out Misdreavus (Lv.100 Misdreavus)!
Machamp used Cross Chop!
It doesn't affect Misdreavus...
Machamp is hurt by poison!
Machamp fainted!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Misdreavus's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #21
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 81% HP
Articanus's Misdreavus: 115 HP

Begin Turn #22
Misdreavus used Thunder!
(43% damage)
A critical hit!
Tyranitar used Pursuit!
(103 damage)
It's super effective!
Misdreavus's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #22
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 44% HP
Articanus's Misdreavus: 32 HP

Begin Turn #23
Misdreavus used Thunder!
Misdreavus's attack missed!
Tyranitar used Pursuit!
(32 damage)
It's super effective!
Misdreavus fainted!
Articanus sent out Cloyster (Lv.100 Cloyster)!
Cloyster's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #23
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 50% HP
Articanus's Cloyster: 169 HP

Begin Turn #24
Consumptus withdrew Tyranitar!
Consumptus sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Cloyster used Surf!
(18% damage)
Cloyster's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #24
Consumptus's Snorlax: 77% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Cloyster: 188 HP

Begin Turn #25
Consumptus withdrew Snorlax!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Articanus withdrew Cloyster!
Articanus sent out Steelix (Lv.100 Steelix)!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #25
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 44% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 189 HP

Begin Turn #26
Consumptus withdrew Tyranitar!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #26
Consumptus's Snorlax: 71% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 211 HP

Begin Turn #27
Consumptus withdrew Snorlax!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Curse!
Steelix's Attack rose!
Steelix's Defense rose!
Steelix's Speed fell!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #27
Consumptus's Zapdos: 100% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 233 HP

Begin Turn #28
Zapdos used Hidden Power!
(82 damage)
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Espeon (Lv.100 Espeon) was dragged out!
Espeon is hurt by Spikes!
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #28
Consumptus's Espeon: 94% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 173 HP

Begin Turn #29
Espeon is fast asleep.
Steelix used Roar!
Espeon fled from battle!
Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #29
Consumptus's Snorlax: 64% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 195 HP

Begin Turn #30
Consumptus withdrew Snorlax!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Espeon (Lv.100 Espeon) was dragged out!
Espeon is hurt by Spikes!
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #30
Consumptus's Espeon: 87% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 217 HP

Begin Turn #31
Espeon is fast asleep.
Steelix used Roar!
Espeon fled from battle!
Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos) was dragged out!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #31
Consumptus's Zapdos: 100% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 239 HP

Begin Turn #32
Zapdos used Hidden Power!
(90 damage)
Steelix used Roar!
Zapdos fled from battle!
Espeon (Lv.100 Espeon) was dragged out!
Espeon is hurt by Spikes!
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #32
Consumptus's Espeon: 81% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 171 HP

Begin Turn #33
Espeon is fast asleep.
Steelix used Earthquake!
(69% damage)
Espeon's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #33
Consumptus's Espeon: 18% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 193 HP

Begin Turn #34
Espeon woke up!
Espeon used Growth!
Espeon's Special Attack rose!
Steelix used Earthquake!
(18% damage)
Espeon fainted!
Consumptus sent out Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos)!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #34
Consumptus's Zapdos: 100% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 215 HP

Begin Turn #35
Consumptus withdrew Zapdos!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Steelix used Roar!
Tyranitar fled from battle!
Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax) was dragged out!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #35
Consumptus's Snorlax: 58% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 237 HP

Begin Turn #36
Snorlax is fast asleep.
Steelix used Earthquake!
(42% damage)
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #36
Consumptus's Snorlax: 22% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Steelix: 259 HP

Begin Turn #37
Snorlax is fast asleep.
Steelix used Roar!
Snorlax fled from battle!
Zapdos (Lv.100 Zapdos) was dragged out!
Steelix's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #37
Consumptus's Zapdos: 100% HP
Articanus's Steelix: 281 HP

Begin Turn #38
Zapdos used Hidden Power!
(79 damage)
Steelix used Explosion!
(100% damage)
Zapdos fainted!
Steelix fainted!
Consumptus sent out Tyranitar (Lv.100 Tyranitar)!
Tyranitar is hurt by Spikes!
Articanus sent out Raikou (Lv.100 Raikou)!
Tyranitar's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #38
Consumptus's Tyranitar: 26% HP
Articanus's Raikou: 367 HP

Begin Turn #39
Raikou used Thunderbolt!
(25% damage)
Tyranitar fainted!
Consumptus sent out Snorlax (Lv.100 Snorlax)!
Snorlax is hurt by Spikes!
Snorlax's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #39
Consumptus's Snorlax: 16% HP (Slp)
Articanus's Raikou: 367 HP
Consumptus: hh

Begin Turn #40
Raikou used Thunderbolt!
(16% damage)
Snorlax fainted!

End Battle! Articanus wins!
Score: 0 to 4
Articanus: gg

NetBattle v1.1.1
Log saved 1/20/2011 at 10:45:05 PM


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Edited the team.

Snorlax has been replaced(GASP) by Umbreon for numerous reasons.

Exeggutor is no longer looking to be replaced, but rather splits between two sets.

Cloyster is more important, but testing his last moveslot still.

Raikou got Thunder > bolt

Steelix is testing Body Slam.

Only member with no changes is Misdreavus(LOL).
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